
  1. 根据第三章的理论分析,在委托代理成本理论下,股东债权人冲突可能引起主动投资不足;在信息不对称情况下,债权人会提高债务人资金使用成本,可能导致企业因缺乏资金而被动投资不足。

    Base on the theory analysis in the third chapter , according to principal-agent cost theory , the conflict between shareholder and debtor can cause insufficient investment .

  2. 这说明预期政策趋于紧缩时,企业融资将受到约束,资金使用成本上升,企业会出于预防性动机而增加现金持有量,因此企业的投资量将减少。

    This means that when tight time is expected to become , the manager will increase cash holdings for precautionary motive and decrease investment for financing constraints and raise of capital cost .

  3. 由于新能源与可再生能源的和开发需要大量的资金投入,使用成本仍高于传统能源,因此,必须依靠政府的干预才可以得到推广。

    Due to the huge capital investment , the exploitation and research of the new and renewable energy should depend on the intervention of the government .

  4. 其次是依据水电部队管理制度,推行资金集中管理,降低资金使用成本;

    Secondly , according to management system of Hydropower Engineering Troops , to spread centralized capital management and reduce capital use cost ;

  5. 一方面沉淀于预算单位的资金的使用效率低下,另一方面当政府修建公共设施等而又无充足财力时,将大量增发国债,造成资金使用成本增加。

    And , on the other hand , in the use of the funds of a unit budget of low efficiency , on the other hand , when the government public facilities and without adequate resources , will cause additional funds of Treasury bonds , use cost increase .