
  • 网络Centralized fund management;funds central management
  1. 资金集中管理系统的优势逐渐受到社会的认同。

    The advantage of funds central management system is gradually being accepted by the community .

  2. 从总体设计原则及有关技术框架等内容上阐述了资金集中管理信息系统的全面应用。

    From the overall design principle and related technical frame etc contents , the total application of funds central management information system is described .

  3. 基于ERP的资金集中管理应用案例及分析

    A Case Study of Integral Capital Management Base on ERP

  4. 通过实施ERP优化管理流程,规范管理程序,细化管理对象,实现资金集中管理和有效监控,减少决策的盲目性,大大提高了企业的管理水平。

    ERP actualization optimizes the management process . standardizes management procedures and refines the management of the target , implement the centralized management of cash , reduce the blindness of the decision-making . And greatly enhance the management level of enterprises .

  5. 完善我国企业集团资金集中管理的对策

    Measures of Improving Centralized Funds Management of Enterprise Groups in China

  6. 企业集团资金集中管理方法及应用的研究

    Study on Capital Management Models and Their Application of Enterprise Groups

  7. 资金集中管理在集团公司运用的探讨

    Discussion on Utilization of Centralized Captital Management in Group Company

  8. 第二章系统地回顾与总结了资金集中管理的相关基本理论。

    The second chapter reviews the basic theories of centralized capital management .

  9. 企业集团资金集中管理模式与结算中心

    The Centralized Funds Management Modes of Enterprise Group and the Balance Centre

  10. 油田企业资金集中管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Centralized Fund Management System for Oilfield Enterprises

  11. 国有企业集团资金集中管理研究

    Study on Funds Centralization Management of State Enterprise Groupe

  12. 华菱集团以财务公司为平台资金集中管理改进的研究

    On the Improvement of Capital Centralized Management of Financial Company of HMG Group

  13. 实行资金集中管理体制;

    Fund centralized management system should be carried out ;

  14. 企业集团实施资金集中管理的模式选择

    Modes of Corporate Group 's Implementation of Capital Intensive Management and Its Choice

  15. 因此,资金集中管理已经成为一种较成熟的管理方式。

    Therefore , capital centralized control has been a bit mature management model .

  16. 本文针对资金集中管理的模式提出一点粗浅的看法,仅供大家参考。

    This paper gives some view of concentrated fund management model which is just for your reference .

  17. A建筑集团资金集中管理可行性分析与模式选择研究

    A Research on Possibility Analysis and Model Selection of Centralization of Fund Management of A Construction Corporation

  18. 并对资金集中管理的实质、内涵、制约因素及其他相关理论基础和相关政策支撑进行了集中论述。

    The essay also addresses on substance , connotation , constraints , and other related theories and policies .

  19. 资金集中管理有多种模式,各具特色,适用于不同的企业。

    Fund Centralization has various management modes with different features , which could fit in with different corporate .

  20. 资金集中管理,是当前不少集团型企业在资金管理上的重要手段。

    Nowadays , centralized management of funds is an important means in fund management in many group companies .

  21. 在此基础上,对如何加强企业集团资金集中管理提出政策建议。

    On such basis , the paper puts forward policy recommendations on how to strengthen the capital centralized management .

  22. 中国航油集团资金集中管理模式研究我国企业集团资金集中管理模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Capital Centralized Management in CAOHC ; Chinese Enterprise Group 's Fund Central Management Study

  23. 资金集中管理这一模式在国际大型企业集团中被广泛应用,是一项非常成熟的技术和管理手段。

    The mode of CCM as a matured technical and manageable tool has been widely adopted by international corporation group .

  24. 目前,以资金集中管理为主线的新一代企业管理思想正在一些大型集团企业中悄然兴起。

    At present , as the main line of next-generation enterprise management idea , centralized management of funds is quietly rising .

  25. 多元化企业集团资金集中管理方案研究&HT企业集团资金集中管理案例研究

    The Research of Capital Centralized Control in the Multi-group & The Case Study of Capital Centralized Control in the HT Group

  26. 资金集中管理,是国际上普遍采用的一种大型企业集团资金管理模式,其含义是将整个集团的资金完全集中到总部,由总部统一调度、统一管理和统一运用。

    Centralized management of funds is a fund management model of large enterprise groups , which is used by international community .

  27. 企业集团财务公司是由集团各企事业单位出资组建,并由集团公司控股,以加强企业集团资金集中管理和提高企业集团资金使用效率为目的,为企业集团成员单位提供财务管理服务的非银行金融机构。

    Enterprise group finance company is a kind of non-bank financial institution , which is founded and controlled by enterprise group .

  28. 本文还探讨了资金集中管理的具体操作模式、业务模式和风险管理手段。

    This article also discusses the concrete operation model , business model and risk management measures of centralized management on capital .

  29. 其次是依据水电部队管理制度,推行资金集中管理,降低资金使用成本;

    Secondly , according to management system of Hydropower Engineering Troops , to spread centralized capital management and reduce capital use cost ;

  30. 财务公司是为加强企业集团资金集中管理和提高企业集团资金使用效率成立的,是为企业集团成员单位提供财务管理服务的非银行金融机构。

    Financial Companies are established for the purpose of reinforcing centralized capital controlling and improving efficiency of the usage of enterprise capital .