
  • 网络Financing;Fund Raising;raising funds
  1. 项目融资中的BOT方式是项目建设中重要的资金筹措手段。

    In project financing , BOT mode is one of the important ways and means of fund raising in project construction .

  2. 城市经营中的资金筹措与项目融资研究

    Research on fund raising and project financing in urban operations

  3. 积极拓展资金筹措渠道,促进Bt棉种子产业化有效运行。

    They endeavor to increase financing channels to promote Bt cottonseed industrialization to function effectively .

  4. 基于贷款能力测算的供水项目资金筹措方案研究&以NG供水项目为例

    Researches on capital financing programmes for water supply projects based on loan financing capacity

  5. 最后从领导机构、资金筹措、建设用地、外部环境、基础设施、财税政策几个方面提出J港规划的实施建议。

    Suggestions relevant to leading organ , funding , land for construction , external environment , infrastructure and tax policy are put forward to put the Jingzhou Port planning into practice .

  6. 完善社会保障资金筹措机制的实践与思考

    Theories and Practices on Improving the Collection Systemof Social Security Funds

  7. 矿山环境修复治理资金筹措机制探讨

    Study on mechanisms of financing for mine environment restoring and treating

  8. 城市道路养护维修资金筹措渠道的探讨

    Approach to Raising Channel of Fund for Maintain of Urban Roads

  9. 地方性高职院校校园建设规划与建设资金筹措研究

    On Campus Building Plan and Construction Financing of Local Vocational College

  10. 公路建设资金筹措的方法与途径

    The Way and Method of Raising Founds for Highway Construction

  11. 组委会视资金筹措情况,可能收取一定费用。

    A certain fee will be charged according to the funding situation .

  12. 加利福尼亚州调水工程的法制建设与资金筹措

    Legislation and Finance for the Water Transfer Projects in California

  13. 政策性资金筹措与运用方面存在着许多问题:3、政府对政策性金融机构的监管方面存在着缺陷;

    Policy-oriented finance 's collect and usage exist many problems ;

  14. 铁路货场基础设施改建的资金筹措研究

    Study on Raising Funds for Rebuilding of Railway Goods Yard Fundamental Equipment

  15. 创新机制,突破资金筹措瓶颈。

    Fourth , innovation mechanism , breaks through the fund raising bottleneck .

  16. 其中最为突出的是资金筹措的困难问题。

    The most prominent is the issue of financing difficulties .

  17. 明确有效的现代大学制度和良好的协调反应机制以及高效的资金筹措机制和财务管理体制。

    The high effective capital-raising mechanism and financial management system .

  18. 三是实现福利服务资金筹措社会化;

    Welfare-like services ; socialization of raising social welfare funds ;

  19. 武广客运专线资金筹措方案研究

    Research on Capital-Raising Plans for Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line

  20. 铁路建设项目资金筹措与运用分析

    Raising funds for railway construction and Its Applicable Analysis

  21. 我国水运建设资金筹措研究

    A Study on the Models of Funds Raising in China 's Waterway Construction

  22. 改革瓶颈:行业所属地方本科院校资金筹措体制&以经济学视角

    Fund Raising for Local Colleges Run by Industries : A Perspective from Economics

  23. 城市轨道交通建设资金筹措途径探讨

    How to Finance the Construction of Mass Transit Railway

  24. 博弈论在苏南运河整治工程建设资金筹措的应用

    Application for fund raising of Sunan Cannel Realignment Project

  25. 对高速铁路建设资金筹措方法的研究

    Study on the Raising of Funds for the Construction of High Speed Railway

  26. 现代企业资金筹措能力综合分析

    Comprehensive analysis on the ability to finance modern enterprise

  27. 资金筹措范围过窄,刚性不足;

    The fund collection scope is too narrow , and with insufficient compulsion ;

  28. 高速公路建设资金筹措过程中的不确定性,构成了高速公路融资的风险。

    The risks of fund-raising for expressway result from the uncertainty of fund-raising .

  29. 关于全球环境与发展资金筹措的东京宣言

    Tokyo Declaration on Financing Global Environment and Development

  30. 开发项目资金筹措方案评估

    Assessment scheme for raising funds of project development