
  1. 国库是负责办理国家财政资金收纳和拨付业务的机构。

    Treasury is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of funds for the state 's financial operations .

  2. 国际信贷的资金来源:传统资金来源,国家财政资金,欧洲货币,石油美元。

    Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , Eurocurrency , Petrodollar .

  3. 这种建设模式利用非国家财政资金进行公共基础设施建设,为国家提供了迅速发展的动力。

    The construction model with non financial in national public infrastructure construction made the government have great power to develop economic .

  4. 但由于受国家财政资金的限制,公共交通行业的发展却明显滞后。

    Due to the limitation of the national foundation , the development of urban public transport industry has been fallen behind .

  5. 但是,一方面,受国家财政资金的限制,以及经济快速发展所引起的需求增长,基础设施领域的资金明显不足。

    However , due to the limitations of state funds , as well as rapid economic development needs , the field of infrastructure funding is clearly insufficient .

  6. 城市经营的筹资渠道主要有:国家财政资金、银行资金、非银行金融机构资金、企业资金、其他法人单位资金、个人资金、外商资金等;

    The main sources of funds in urban operation are : national finance fund , bank fund , non-bank financial organization fund , enterprise fund , other unit fund , personnel fund , foreign fund .

  7. 农业资金投入有多种渠道,包括国家财政资金、银行信贷资金、市场筹措资金、农业生产经营组织和农户自身投资等,其中农业生产经营主体的自身投资应成为农业投入的主渠道。

    Agricultural investment comprises many channels as national fiscal capital , bank loans , market raising capital , self-investment by agricultural production organization and farmers , etc and farmers ' own investment should become the main channel .

  8. 提出了公有制公益林业的投融资渠道:国家财政资金、社会有关部门资金、外国政府及国际金融组织资金、社会其他组织及成员资金;

    The paper raised public ownership and welfare forestry investment and financing channels : national financial capital , social relational department capital , foreign governments ' and international financial organizations ' capital , other community organizations ' and members ' capital ;

  9. 改革开放以来,我国的基础设施建设取得了巨大的发展,但是由于受国家财政资金的限制,基础设施建设资金的不足已成为其进一步发展的瓶颈。

    Since The reform and the opening up , the construction of infrastructure in China has procured huge development , but the lack of capital has bottlenecked the further development of it , owing to the restriction of national fiscal capital .

  10. 但我国农村人口比例大、乡村分布广泛、国家财政资金有限,如何在有限的投入条件下,实现新农村建设的奋斗目标,是摆在我们党和政府面前的重要而紧迫的问题。

    But the countryside have big population proportion , extensive countryside distribution and limited financial capital , how to realize struggle goal of the building of a new socialist countryside under this limited participation is an important and serious problem faced to the party and government .

  11. 教育领域存在的国家财政性资金分为预算内资金与预算外资金。

    Financial funds in the field of education includes budgetary funds and extra-budgetary funds in china .

  12. 但国家对农村财政资金投入存在一定的硬约束。

    However , there are some hard constraints to the public financial funds by the government .

  13. 当前,我国高等教育事业发展速度迅猛,规模迅速扩大,而国家财政投入不足,资金短缺现象在高校中普遍存在。

    Currently , the higher education of China is developing rapidly , but with the problems of deficiency of financial input and lack of money .

  14. 国家机关和使用财政资金的其他组织应当优先采购和使用节能、节水、节材等有利于保护环境的产品、设备和设施。

    State authorities and other institutions financed by fiscal funds shall give priority to the purchase and use of energy-efficient , water-saving , materials-saving products , equipment and facilities that support environmental protection .

  15. 土地出让金是伴随征地行为发生后上缴到国家财政的一笔资金,可以拿出部分比例作为政府缴纳资金。

    The Price of land value after land expropriation action is the fund that should turn in to national finance , may put out the partial proportions to pay the fund as the government .

  16. 由于职务消费制度中存在的种种问题,随着社会的变迁和经济的发展,国家为此支出的财政资金越来越大,且造成社会财富极大的浪费。

    Because in the duty expense system exists all sorts of questions , along with society 's vicissitude and the economical development , the country are more and more big for this disbursement financial fund , also creates the public wealth enormous waste .

  17. 世界上很多国家在经济发展起步阶段普遍采取以国家财政资金为主导的政策进行基础设施建设。

    Many countries in the world generally adopt the policy of using national finance fund to construct infrastructure in their development stage .