
  • 网络international reserve
  1. 第二,IMF应同意让人民币成为特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子中的第五种货币。特别提款权是IMF的国际储备资产。

    Second , the IMF should agree to add the renminbi to the basket of four currencies in the Special Drawing Rights , its international reserve asset .

  2. 中国已呼吁改革全球储备货币体系、创建基于特别提款权(sdr)的新国际储备货币。

    China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .

  3. SDR是IMF用于国际储备的货币单位。

    SDRs are monetary units used by the IMF for international reserves .

  4. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。

    These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .

  5. 在美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)首次正式访华之际,一位中国重要金融官员昨日否定了有关“美元的国际储备货币地位可能很快将被取代”的说法。

    A leading Chinese financial official yesterday rejected suggestions the US dollar could be replaced quickly as the global reserve currency , as US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner arrived in China on his first official visit .

  6. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .

  7. 这分析在3个月包括国民生产总值对外汇储备,相当数量进口对外汇储备,M2对国际储备和外汇储备到相当数量短期债务比率为中国和韩国。

    This analysis includes GDP to foreign exchange reserves , amount of imports in 3 months to foreign exchange reserves , M2 to international reserves , and foreign exchange reserves to amount of short-term debt ratio for China and Korea .

  8. 美国的确失去了3A信誉评级,但正如标准普尔的约翰。钱伯斯所说,美元依旧是“任何合理情况下都很重要的国际储备货币”。

    Americamay have lost its triple-A rating , but the dollars it issues will " remain the key international reserve currency under any plausible scenario ," says John Chambers of Standard & Poor 's.

  9. 在G20伦敦峰会前夕,央行行长周小川关于建立国际储备货币取代美元的提议,在国际上引起了巨大的反响,改革当前国际金融体系的呼吁日益高涨。

    On the eve of London G20 summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , Governor of Central Bank , proposed to establish an International Currency to replace the USD , has caused a very great international response and it appeals to reform the current International Financial System .

  10. 国际储备过度积累的衡量和对策

    Measurement and Countermeasures of Excessive Accumulation in China 's International Reserve

  11. 国际储备适度规模与对外经贸政策调整国际外汇储备管理的启示

    KEEPING AN APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL RESERVE International Experience on Forex Reserve Management

  12. 对国际储备规模定量分析的评价

    Evaluation of the Quantitative Analysis of the International Reserve Scale

  13. 发展中国家国际储备管理的新变化

    New Changes in International Reserve Management of the Developing Countries

  14. 国际储备规模扩大很多,政府债务有所减少。

    International reserves were much larger and government debt lower .

  15. 中国国际储备需求的理论与实证分析

    The Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of China 's Requirement for International Reserve

  16. 第四,推动国际储备货币的多元化。

    Fourth , impels the international reserves currency the multiplication .

  17. 在局部战争的冲击下国际储备将会面临较大的风险。

    The war will threaten the security of international reserve .

  18. 如何确定我国国际储备的适度规模

    Research on appropriate scale of international reserves of our country

  19. 最适国际储备度量因子和估算方程的检验及讨论

    Testing and Discussion on the Factors and Equations of Optimum International Reserves

  20. 欧元、美元与国际储备

    On the Euro , US Dollar and International Deposits

  21. 1952~2003年中国国际储备长期需求模型

    Long-term Demand for International Reserves From Year of 1952 to 2003 in China

  22. 注重建立国际储备的成本问题

    Attaching Importance to the Cost of Establishing International Reserve

  23. 经济转型过程中我国适度国际储备的理性思考

    Rational Thinking of China 's Moderate International Reserves in the Economic Transition Process

  24. 国际储备货币制度:内在缺陷及改革&2008年全球金融危机引发的思考

    The Reform of the International Monetary System : Reviewing the 2008 Financial Crisis

  25. 建议一赋予了欧元主要国际储备货币的角色;

    The former one endows euros with the role of international reserve currency ;

  26. 美元资产不足以满足国际储备的需求。

    There are not enough dollar assets to accommodate the demand for international reserves .

  27. 未来几十年,美元仍将是占主导地位的国际储备货币。

    The dollar will remain by far the dominant international reserve currency for decades .

  28. 中国的国际储备规模研究

    On the Scale of China 's International Reserve

  29. 第四部分讨论了特别提款权的基本功能,指出其作为国际储备资产的缺陷所在。

    Next it discusses the basic functions of SDRs and points out the weaknesses .

  30. 其实,最适量的国际储备规模并没有一个固定的标准。

    Actually , the right amount of international exchange reserve has no fixed standard .