
zé rèn yuē shù
  • responsibility restraint
  1. 必须认真设定所有权、经营权的边界,明确所有者、经营者的责任约束,政府部门则要淡化所有者代表的职能,重新进行职能定位并完善行为规范。

    It is vitally important to define definitely the right of owner and the right of manager , their respective responsibility restraint , less function for the governmental departments as the represent of the owners , new definition of function and behavior regulations .

  2. 第四章对建立健全企业家的约束机制的必要性进行分析,总结并分析了建立健全企业家约束机制的五种方式,即企业家责任约束、预算约束、法律约束、道德约束、市场约束。

    The necessaries to establish and perfect the restricting mechanism on entrepreneurs are discussed .

  3. 基于道德风险与有限责任约束的企业资本预算研究

    Research on corporate capital budgeting based on the moral hazard and the limited liability constraints

  4. 风险投资主体内部及其与被投资方之间都应建立以市场为导向的责任约束和利益分配机制;

    Market based mechanism of obligation and interest distribution must fuction in invest institution as well as in venture firms ;

  5. 建立行政权利的制约机制和责任约束机制,加强权力监督,防止奥运腐败行为的发生。

    And administrative power restraint and responsibility binding mechanisms shall be established to govern the exercise of powers and avoid Olympic-related corruption .

  6. 企业家约束机制应主要体现在所有权约束、责任约束、预算约束、法律约束、道德约束等方面。

    Entrepreneur restriction mechanism should depends mainly on property rights restriction , responsibility restriction , budget restriction , juristic restriction , moral restriction , etc.

  7. 约束机制应包括市场竞争约束、法律约束、预算约束、责任约束和监督约束等。

    The restraint incentive mechanism should include market competitive restraint , legal restraint , budgetary restraint , restraint of responsibility as well as supervisory restraint , etc.

  8. 分析发现,新公共管理的引入,强化了竞争和对学校的责任约束,在一定程度上改善了学校办学绩效。

    We find the new management model has strengthened the competition and the accountability of the universities , and improved the universities ' performance to some extent .

  9. 人民群众监督领导干部的保障措施包括:建立健全党务、政务公开制度,人民群众参与制度,人民群众监督制约机制,责任约束机制等。

    Measurements in supervision of leading cadres include establishing party affairs , opening system to political affairs , participating system , supervision and control mechanism and so on .

  10. 而会计的决策机制、利益驱动机制、责任约束机制、权利制衡机制和资金营运机制则构成了现代企业会计机制。

    But the accounting decision mechanism , benefit drive mechanism , obligation restriction mechanism , power balancing mechanism and capital operation mechanism together constitute the modern enterprise accounting mechanism .

  11. 破产失权制度是破产责任约束机制的重要组成部分,也是发挥破产制度应有作用之保障。

    The system of disqualification for Bankruptcy is an important component of bankrupt duty restriction mechanism , and also makes sure that the due effect of bankruptcy be brought into play .

  12. 该货币政策框架赋予了中央银行进行工具选择和操作的高度相机抉择权力,为了规避动态不一致性和获得货币政策的可信度,透明度和责任约束成为通货膨胀目标制度的附加特征和要求。

    As such a monetary policy has given high discretion authority to central bank , transparency and accountability are its additional features in order to avoid time inconsistency and obtain credibility .

  13. 主要内容是股东代表诉讼的前置程序;诉讼费用担保机制的设立;对股东处分权的限制;败诉股东的责任约束。

    Shareholder litigation on behalf of the main contents of the pre-procedure ; legal costs of setting up security mechanisms ; disposition restrictions on shareholders ; losing the responsibility of the shareholders constraints .

  14. 预防和矫治我国非营利组织的失灵,需要从调适政府与非营利组织间的关系、创设组织外部责任约束环境和优化组织内部治理机制三方面入手。

    To prevent and antidote the NPO failure in our country , it needs to adapt the relationship between government and NPO , create and build the external environment of restraint , and upgrade the internal governance mechanisms .

  15. 分析传统RBAC授权模型直接用于工作流系统授权的不足之处,分析了传统授权模型对时间约束和责任分离约束支持的不足。

    Analyzes the deficiencies when traditional RBAC authorization model is directly used as workflow authorization one and its shortages to support time constraints and duty separation one .

  16. 而从专业服务机构的组织形式,从责任的约束方面讨论得比较少。

    But the professional service organization form and the responsibility restraint aspect are discussed quite little .

  17. 自信用证开立之时起,开证行即不可撤销地受到兑付责任的约束。

    B.An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit .

  18. 申请人应受外国法律和惯例加诸银行的一切义务和责任的约束,并对银行承担赔偿之责。

    The Applicant shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the banks against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages .

  19. 由国家强制力保证实施的公司管理层的法律义务与责任作为约束机制之一最严厉。

    As one of the constraint mechanisms , legal duties and liabilities are by far the sternest as they can be implemented by the power of the nation .

  20. 苏伟指出,事实证明,加拿大和日本是谈判中最不合作的国家,尤其是它们反对为工业化国家的减排责任设定约束性承诺。

    Mr Su labelled Canada and Japan as the nations proving most unco-operative in the negotiations , particularly in their opposition to binding commitments for industrialised nations to reduce emissions .

  21. 法律责任在约束和遏制国家权力滥用的同时,还表达了对个体行为自由的限制与否定,也彰显了对个体行为自由的维护、保障和尊重。

    Accompanied by the functions of constraining and curbing the abuse of state power , legal responsibility also expresses a restriction , denial , protection , security and respect for the individual behavior freedom .

  22. Petri网能够捕获基数、责任分离等约束,而且能对优先和依赖约束进行说明。

    The Petri net model can capture all the cardinality and separation of duty constraints . Moreover , the model also allows specification of the precedence and dependency constraints .

  23. 论企业社会责任认证的约束传递机制

    The Analysis of Conductive Mechanism about Corporate Social Responsibility Certification

  24. 他还太年轻一点,不能用对家庭的责任感来约束自己。

    He 's a bit young to shackle himself with the responsibilities of a family .

  25. 2010年的哥本哈根国际气候大会,更是为企业的发展模式和社会责任施加了约束条件。

    2010 International Climate Conference in Copenhagen imposed social responsibility constraints on the development model of enterprise .

  26. 法律激励是通过赋予权利(权力)、明确责任、强制约束等法律规范的设置来实现的。

    Law incentives can be realized by setting the legal specifications of endowing rights , defining responsibilities and forcing restriction .

  27. 中介机构受到声誉机制和法律责任机制的约束。

    Therefore two different controlling mechanisms , namely the mechanism of reputation and the mechanism of legal liability , should be put on intermediaries .

  28. 另一方面,来自于社会政治、法律、伦理道德等各种社会规范对于科学家伦理责任的现实约束。

    One is that the scientists ubdertake the ethical responsibility actively , and the other is the practical restraining from the rules of politics , law and ethics .

  29. 这些义务的履行,依赖于行政法制度的明示、相应程序制度的规范以及责任制度的约束。

    The performance of the above duties depends on the express stipulation of the administrative laws , the specification of corresponding procedural systems and the restraint of responsibility institutions .

  30. 该模型引入具有明确对象和责任的备用约束,使备用的配置能够刚好覆盖预想的风险水平,并显现备用的边际价值信号,同时明确量化备用的提供者和享用者,以及各自应该承担的责任。

    The reserve constraint can clear the targets and responsibility , and make reserve setting cover the anticipatory risk level properly . It can also show the marginal value signals of reserve .