
  1. 论我国责任保险市场的发展与规范

    A Research on the Development and Standardization of Chinese Liability Insurance Markets

  2. 道德风险存在下董事责任保险市场的保费水平分析

    An Analysis on the Insurance Premium level of Director Liability under Moral Hazard

  3. 目前,我国责任保险市场上有责任保险产品约400多个。

    Now , there are 4 hundred types product in the liability insurance market .

  4. 第二部分,我国责任保险市场分析。

    Chapter two , an analysis on the liability insurance market of our country .

  5. 如何实现责任保险市场的快速发展,是目前我国责任保险业面临的一个重要问题。

    How to rapidly expand the Liability insurance market is an urgent problem fronting our insurance .

  6. 因此,如何发展我国责任保险市场成为急待解决的问题。

    So , how to develop the market of liability insurance of our country to become the urgent problem to be solved .

  7. 因此,为了推动我国董事责任保险市场的进一步发展,应当着重解决以上三方面的问题。

    So , to promote the development of our country 's directors'and officers'liability insurance market , we should settle the above three problems emphatically .

  8. 环境污染责任保险市场不能良性发展,有多方面的原因,环境污染保险自身的制度化构建的欠缺是一个重要原因。

    There are many factors that affect the sound development of environmental pollution liability insurance , yet the absence of environmental pollution liability insurance regulations is a key factor .

  9. 本文的研究方法主要是定性分析法,并基于布雷耶尔模式,应用经济学、管理学、法学等学科原理,对我国的责任保险市场进行研究探讨。

    On the basis of Stephen Breyer model , the article analyzes and explores the Liability insurance market by making use of the principles of Applied Economics , Science of management and Law .

  10. 一方面通过整体面从对中国责任保险市场的发育状况、发展滞后的原因以及发展展望几个方面对中国责任保险市场进行论述分析;

    On the one hand , the author analysis the overall situation in Chinese market of liability insurance , including the development status , the result of lag and the prospect of development ;

  11. 以期抛砖引玉,引起相关人士的重视,来共同发展我国产品责任保险市场和完善我国产品责任保险法律制度。

    Through presentation of the subject topic , the thesis is intended to generate and call upon the attentions and enthusiasm of those concerned , committing them to develop our product liability insurance market and perfecting its legal system .

  12. 对国内外咨询工程师职业责任保险市场的发展进行了研究和分析,尤其对其执业环境、执业能力以及所面临的职业责任风险进行了比较分析。

    An investigation into the development of the professional liability insurance market faced by consultant engineers at home and abroad is made in detail in this paper . In particular , their working environment , abilities and professional liability risk are compared and analyzed .

  13. 责任保险:市场失灵、立法强制与道德风险管理

    Liabilities Insurance : Market Malfunction , Legislation Obligation and Moral Hazard Management

  14. 环境责任保险是市场经济发展的产物,具有商业性和公益性的双重属性。

    The environment liability insurance is the outcome of the market economy development . It has the characteristic of commerciality and publicity .

  15. 其中包括政府救助制度、设立损害赔偿基金、责任保险制度、市场份额理论以及惩罚性赔偿制度。

    The relief patterns include administrative models , liability insurance , and Fund , as well as " theory of market share ", punitive compensation system .

  16. 数十年前签署的保单上规定的与石棉相关的伤害承保责任,曾令保险市场濒临崩溃。

    The problem that had brought the insurance market close to collapse was liability for asbestos-related injuries under policies written decades before .

  17. 此外,建立医疗责任保险制度是在市场经济体制中医疗机构化解责任风险的较优选择。

    In addition , it is argued that the medical accident insurance system is good for hospitals to move out the liability risks in market-based economy .

  18. 在特殊时期和特殊领域,有必要通过政府强制实施责任保险,维护该市场的正常秩序,确保各方利益的平衡。

    In special times and special areas , it is necessary to enforce liability insurance through the government to maintain the normal order to the market to ensure the balance of interests .

  19. 责任保险作为一种市场手段,具有风险分担和分配调节功能,在市场经济发展过程中发挥经济稳定器和助推器的作用,但责任保险市场也存在市场失灵。

    Liability insurance as market-based instruments , which with the function of risk-sharing and allocation of regulatory , plays an important role in the process of economic stabilizer and the role of boosters .

  20. 医疗责任保险需求的增加,给医疗责任保险市场的发展带来机遇。

    The requirement of medical liability insurance market is rising , which arouses the developable opportunity of the medical liability insurance market .

  21. 我国是全球责任险市场中的一个新兴经济体,目前,在各种需求环境逐渐完善的背景下,我国的责任保险市场面临着巨大的发展机遇。

    In the context of the gradual improvement of the environment , liability insurance market in China is facing tremendous opportunities for development .

  22. 食品安全责任强制险制度在构建之初,要考量多方因素,包括外部环境因素、各方主体的利益矛盾和食品安全责任保险市场现状的考察。

    We must consider many factors at the beginning of construction , including external environment factor , the conflict of interest , and the investigation of the food safety liability insurance market .

  23. 我国的董事责任保险制度处在发展和健全阶段,对于能够适合董事责任保险制度发展的法制基础和经济环境方面仍不完善,董事责任保险的市场需求度较低,有许多问题急需解决。

    The development of legal foundation and the economic environment is not fit of the directors liability insurance system . The demand of director liability insurance market is lower .