
  • 网络Trust-Mart
  1. 如果沃尔玛完全控股好又多公司,那么,它将成为中国最大的超市连锁企业。

    If Wal-Mart takes full control of Bounteous , the company that operates Trust-Mart , it would become the biggest hypermarket chain in China .

  2. 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)已同意购入好又多商业发展有限公司(Bounteous,简称:好又多公司)35%的股权,并且最终可能会以大约10亿美元的代价,控股该公司的中国大陆业务好又多(Trust-Mart)连锁超市。

    Wal-Mart has agreed to buy 35 per cent of the company that operates the Trust-Mart chain of hypermarkets in China and could eventually pay about $ 1bn for control of the operation .