
  • 网络The Southern Company;The Southland Corporation;the southland company
  1. 美国南方电力公司在星期一的开盘抢购中收购了英国西南电力公司11.2%的股份。

    Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday .

  2. 位于亚特兰大的美国南方电力公司(SouthernCompany)是进展最顺利的,美国政府已承诺为其拨付80亿美元,用于其在乔治亚州建造总造价达140亿美元的核电厂。

    Atlanta-based Southern Company ( so , Fortune 500 ) is the farthest along and has been promised $ 8 billion by the government for the construction of a $ 14 billion plant Georgia .