
  • 网络dollar index;U.S. Dollar Index;US Dollar Index;USD Index;usdx
  1. 巴西雷亚尔升值27%,俄罗斯卢布升值14%,跟踪10种亚洲最活跃新兴国家货币的彭博-摩根大通亚洲美元指数(Bloomberg-JPMorganAsiaDollarindex),目前处于19个月高点。

    Brazil 's real is up 27 per cent , Russia 's rouble 14 per cent and the Bloomberg-JP Morgan Asia Dollar index , which tracks the 10 most active emerging Asian currencies , is at a 19-month high .

  2. 但在相同的6周期间内,美元指数上涨。

    Yet the dollar index has risen over the same six-week period .

  3. 目前,美元指数比2001年时的峰值低三分之一。

    The dollar index is currently a third below its 2001 peak .

  4. 国际石油期货价格与美元指数动态关系的实证研究

    A Demonstrative Study on Dynamic Relationship of International Oil Futures Price and US Dollar Index

  5. 美元指数下跌0.4%,为2008年8月以来最低。

    The dollar index was down 0.4 per cent , its lowest level since August 2008 .

  6. 纽约汇市午盘,美元指数上涨0.3%,至76.798。

    By midday in New York , the dollar index was 0.3 per cent higher at 76.798 .

  7. 追踪一篮子货币的美元指数跌至今年最低水平。

    The dollar index , which tracks a basket of currencies , reached its lowest level this year .

  8. 美元指数一度下跌近1%,至76.259,为去年12月以来的最低水平。

    The dollar index dropped nearly 1 per cent at one point to 76.259 , its lowest since December .

  9. 宏观经济因素方面,美元指数、利率水平与黄金价格表现出反向走势关系。

    In the macroeconomic factors , dollar index and rate level both show the reverse change with gold price .

  10. 如果利率在9月份被上调,他说,美元指数就会相对快速的反弹。

    If a rate hike comes in September , the greenback could get its groove back relatively quickly , he said .

  11. 美元指数(衡量美元对美国主要贸易伙伴国货币汇率变化程度的指标)下降了0.7%。

    The dollar index , a measure of the currency relative to its major trade partners , was down 0.7 per cent .

  12. 随着美元指数接近52周低点,通胀预期略有上升,抛售美元的论调近日有所升温。

    Dump-the-dollar calls have picked up lately , with the dollar index near a 52-week low and inflation expectations rising a bit .

  13. 黄金上涨了13.3%,美元指数上升了10.2%,欧元下挫了14.3%。

    Gold is up 13.3 per cent , the dollar index has risen 10.2 per cent , with the euro falling 14.3 per cent .

  14. 纽约汇市后市交易中,美元指数跌至14个月低点。该指数追踪美元相对于6种主要货币的价值。

    The dollar index , which tracks its value against six major currencies , hit a 14-month low in afternoon trading in New York .

  15. 但突然降息的希望落空,美联储并不买帐,反而纽约联储9月制造业指数及8月工业生产数据差于预期,令美元指数失去此前所得。

    But there was no rate cut and instead the dollar trimmed gains on subconsensus readings on the Sep NY Fed manufacturing index and Aug industrial production .

  16. 外部市场,美元指数走低,达到本月较低的水平,原油期价上涨,从100日均线处逆转反弹。

    The outside markets included a lower dollar , lowest level this month , and higher crude oil , bouncing off its100-day moving average in reversal bottoming action .

  17. 去年10月末至今年3月中,美元指数(该指数衡量美元相对一篮子货币的汇率)攀升15%。

    Between the end of October and mid-March , the dollar index – which measures the greenback against a basket of its peers – climbed 15 per cent .

  18. 利用对数回归模型,分析了美元指数对石油价格的影响及石油价格与石油进口量对人民币汇率的影响。

    Then according to the logistic regression model , article analyzes the impacts of dollar index on oil prices and oil prices on the impact of the RMB exchange rate .

  19. 美元指数持平,固定收益避风港未确定走势,美国国债收益率下降1个基点至1.80%,而德国国债收益率稳定在1.50%。

    The dollar index is flat and fixed-income havens are undecided , with Treasury yields down 1 basis point to 1.80 per cent and Bunds steady at 1.50 per cent .

  20. 分析了金融危机前后伦敦期铜、美元指数、大宗商品石油价格等虚拟经济对我国现货铜价格的影响。

    The impact of London copper , the dollar index , commodity prices of oil and other virtual economy on copper spot price around the financial crisis is analyzed . 3 .

  21. 美元指数今年迄今为止几乎持平,仅仅上升了0.3%。该指数将美元与其他全球性货币组成的一篮子货币进行比较。

    The dollar index , which weighs the US currency against a basket of other global currencies , is almost flat for the year-to-date , having risen just 0.3 per cent .

  22. 在金融危机的大背景下,对于黄金价格与美元指数、原油价格的联动关系的结论还有待进一步深入考察。

    In the context of the financial crisis , the linkage among the price of gold , the dollar index , and crude oil prices has yet to be further in-depth study concluded .

  23. 通过美元指数的分析,在实证分析的基础之上,利用协整检验以及格兰杰因果检验对不同时期金价决定机制进行了详细分析。

    Through the analysis of the dollar index , based on the empirical analysis , using co integration and Granger causality test for determining mechanism of gold in different periods were analyzed in detail .

  24. 当前被普遍认为对黄金价格有显著影响的因素主要包括供需关系、美元指数、真实利率、通货膨胀、石油价格、道琼斯指数等。

    The current is generally considered the gold price has a significant impact , including supply and demand factors , the dollar index , real interest rates , inflation , oil prices , the Dow Jones index .

  25. 本模型将黄金期货价格分解为两部分:可预测部分和长短期因素影响部分,其中可预测部分是美元指数和主权信用违约互换的线性函数。

    Gold futures prices were decomposed into two parts : one part was the predictable ones that indicted a linear function of the dollar index and sovereign credit default swaps , and the other part short-run and long-run ones .

  26. 根据格兰杰因果检验,得出美元指数、石油价格与我国黄金价格之间有着单向因果关系,通胀率、上证综合指数与黄金价格之间不存在格兰杰因果关系。

    Based on the granger causality test , the dollar index , oil price exists one-way causal relationship between the gold price in China ; inflation rate , the Shanghai composite index has no granger causality relationship between the gold price in China .

  27. 商品期货与美元指数的负相关性,使得商品期货可以作为一种对美元进行套期保值的工具,它能有效分散美元贬值的风险,而且能带来更高的收益。

    The negative relationship between commodity futures and USD index make the commodity futures be able to be a hedge against the US Dollar , commodity futures can diversify the risk of US Dollar depreciation effectively , also can improve the returns of portfolio .

  28. 过去3个月,摩根大通(JPMorgan)新兴市场货币兑美元汇率指数下跌近8%。

    During the past three months , the JPMorgan index of emerging market currencies has fallen by almost 8 per cent against the dollar .

  29. 在医学领域,这种便宜不是我们通常认为的那样,而是10MB硬盘过去3400美元-指数便宜。

    Not something we usually think about in the era of medicine , but hard disks used to be 3400 dollars for 10 megabytes-exponentially cheaper .

  30. 实证分析得出,物价指数差(DFCPI)和美元汇率指数(USDI)两个基础变量与人民币实际有效汇率(REER)之间存在协整关系,模型可决系数R平方值为0.93。

    The empirical study show that there does exist a cointegration relationship between the REER and the selected two fundamentals comprising Difference of CPIs ( DFCPI ) and US Dollar Index ( USDI ) .