
  • 网络ExxonMobil;Mobil;Mobile;Exxon Mobil
  1. 我们并不仅仅是某个像美孚、IBM或别的什么公司一样的大公司。

    We 're not just some big business like Mobil or IBM or whoever

  2. 美孚公司急于说明那个地点发生爆炸的可能性微乎其微。

    Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote .

  3. 同样是在周一,脸书(Facebook)的市值超越了石油巨头埃克森美孚。

    On Monday , Facebook also surpassed oil giant ExxonMobil 's market capitalisation .

  4. 咨询公司pfcenergy对两家公司近期记录的对比中,没有多少对埃克森美孚有利的地方。

    A comparison of their recent records , compiled by PFC energy , a consultancy , does Exxon few favours .

  5. 据知情人士称,埃克森美孚已将其员工从伊拉克南部的WestQurna1号油田撤离。

    Exxon has pulled expatriate staff out of its West Qurna 1 field in the south , according to people close to the company .

  6. 新加坡美孚炼油厂工程施工的QC管理

    The QC Mangement in the Engineering Constrction of Mobil Refinery in Singapore

  7. 美孚克特切削油ST是一种添加剂浓缩液用作乳化及水溶性切削液的处理剂,也可用在水处理系统中。

    Mobilcut ST is an additive concentrate for the treatment of cutting fluid emulsions and solutions – and water treatment systems .

  8. 美孚ATFD/M是埃克森美孚推荐用于2005年或更早的GM通用公司的自动挡车使用。

    Mobil ATF D / M is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in2005 and earlier GM vehicles .

  9. 由埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)控股的帝国石油公司(ImperialOil)周一表示,该公司四季度营收下降了36%。

    Imperial Oil , which is controlled by Exxon Mobil , said on Monday that fourth-quarter earnings dropped by 36 percent .

  10. 国际大型的石油石化企业相继兼并重组,以埃克森美孚、BP阿莫科为代表的大公司,通过强强联合,形成了超级跨国集团,经济势力与竞争优势更加明显;

    The huge international petroleum cooperation , likes BP-Amoco and Exxon-Mobil etc , become super multinational cooperation by combining and reforming , and has more economical and competitive strengths .

  11. 以埃克森美孚石油公司为例,如果拆分能带来10%的市值增长,那么股东们将新进账430亿美元,相当于突尼斯一年的GDP。

    Just a 10 % increase in value through a split would be worth $ 43 billion to shareholders , which is equivalent to the GDP of Tunisia .

  12. 而埃克森美孚驻尼日利亚董事总经理马克沃德(MarkWard)曾表示,根据新的立法,所有新的计划中的(上游)项目都无经济效益可谈。

    Mark Ward , managing director of ExxonMobil in Nigeria , has said that under the new legislation all new planned [ upstream ] projects would be uneconomic .

  13. 按昨日收盘价折算,中石油的市值超过了埃克森美孚与荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)市值的总和。中石油是中国最大的石油及天然气生产商。

    At yesterday 's closing price , PetroChina – China 's largest oil and gas producer – was valued at more than Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell combined .

  14. 埃克森美孚像一艘超级油轮一样扬帆前进,而荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(RoyalDutchShell)已经宣布今年适度削减资本支出,该公司表示,这不是反应过度。

    Exxon cruises onward like a supertanker and Royal Dutch Shell has announced only modest cuts to capital expenditure this year , saying that it is not overreacting .

  15. 《私人帝国》(PrivateEmpire)一书的作者史蒂夫•科尔(SteveColl)写道,他“就像一位埃米尔(Emir,对穆斯林统治者的尊称,译者注)统治着埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)”。

    Steve Coll , author of Private Empire , wrote that he " ruled over ExxonMobil like an Emir . "

  16. 来看看埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)到2040年的年度能源展望。

    Consider ExxonMobil 's annual energy outlook to 2040 .

  17. 香港其余部分(九龙、新界以及其它岛屿)由中电集团(ChinaLightandPower)负责供电,该集团最近决定从埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)购回自身业务的全部股权。

    The rest of Hong Kong – Kowloon , the New Territories and other islands – are served by China Light and Power , which recently chose to buy back full ownership of its business from ExxonMobil .

  18. 思科系统、埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、通用电气(GeneralElectric)、英特尔(Intel)和微软等公司的市值都曾逼近或超过5000亿美元。

    Companies including Cisco Systems , Exxon Mobil , General Electric , Intel and Microsoft at one time had market caps that approached or topped $ 500 billion .

  19. 埃克森美孚和切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)等天然气供应商当然会因为更多的天然气需求而获益,但随着供应量的增加,利润率可能会有所下降。

    Natural gas producers like Exxon and Chesapeake Energy will of course benefit from higher demand for the fuel , but profits might be held down with increased supply .

  20. 中石油预计,今年的资本支出将为240亿美元,超过了埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)。

    PetroChina expects to spend $ 24bn on capex this year – more than ExxonMobil .

  21. 美孚克特AF是抗泡及消泡剂,用在乳化及水溶性金属切削液中,也可用在其它工业用水基液体系统中。

    Mobilcut AF is an antifoam and defoaming agent for use in metal working fluid emulsions and solutions and in other water based industrial fluid systems .

  22. 甚至就连埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)在2010年收购XTOEnergy时也曾担心过这一问题。这也是埃克森美孚为XTOEnergy专门成立一个部门的原因。

    Even Exxon Mobil worried about this when it acquired XTO Energy in 2010 , one reason it gave the business its own division .

  23. 去年,合成基因组公司与埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)签署了一项6亿美元的协议,旨在制造藻类生物燃料。

    Last year Synthetic Genomics signed a $ 600m agreement with ExxonMobil to make algal biofuels .

  24. BASF公司仍位列第一,同为美国公司的陶氏化工和埃克森美孚位置互换。

    BASF retained the top spot , while Dow Chemical and ExxonMobil , both US , swapped places .

  25. 我询问最近的加油站时,它显示出美孚(Mobil)和埃克森(Exxon)的几家加油站。

    When I asked for directions to the nearest gas station , it brought up choices from Mobil and Exxon .

  26. 在美国,康纳和石油(Conoco)牵手菲利普斯石油(Phillips),雪佛兰石油(Chevron)与德士古(Texaco)合并,埃克森石油(Exxon)与美孚石油(Mobil)联姻。

    In the United States , Conoco merged with Phillips , Chevron merged with Texaco and Exxon merged with Mobil .

  27. 自那以后,这家中国企业的市值已蒸发三分之二,而埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的市值跌去了四分之一。

    Since then the Chinese company has fallen by two-thirds , while ExxonMobil has slipped by a quarter .

  28. 8月9日,苹果超过埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)成为全球市值最高的公司。

    On August ninth , Apple first passed Exxon Mobil Corporation to become the most publicly traded company in the world .

  29. 这个方法旨在通过step-by-step的设计来使你的想法得到有效表达,他的理论是基于大量的研究结果,并在很多大公司例如微软,埃克森-美孚,金佰利,易趣,摩托罗拉等得到验证。

    It is based on extensive empirical research and has been pilot tested among leading corporations , including Microsoft , Exxon-Mobil , Kimberly-Clark , eBay , and Motorola .

  30. Gorgon项目将为亚洲输送天然气,由美国石油公司雪佛龙(ChevronCorp.)及其合作伙伴荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShellPlc)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobilCorp.)经营。

    The Gorgon plant will supply natural gas to Asia and will be run by U.S. oil company Chevron along with partners Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil .