
  • 网络xrs;Better future
  1. 在世界人居日到来之际,让我们保证携起手来,为所有人更美的好未来建设更美好的城市。

    On World Habitat Day , let us pledge to join hands to make better cities for a better future for all .

  2. Minerva已募集了7000万美元资本,投资者包括标杆资本(BenchmarkCapital)和三家中资集团:好未来教育集团(TALEducationGroup)、真格基金(ZhenFund)以及涌金集团(YongjinGroup)。

    Minerva has raised $ 70m from investors including Benchmark Capital and three Chinese groups ; TAL Education Group , ZhenFund and Yongjin Group .

  3. 决定好未来您将怎样布置您的房间。

    Meanwhile a decision on how to arrange your room should be made .

  4. 计划好未来。

    Plan for your own future .

  5. 作为一名数学教师,要教好未来的建设者,适应时代的新要求。

    As a mathematics teacher , the constructor which must teach the future , the adaption time new request .

  6. 现在说不好未来哪种关键技术或关键商业模式能脱颖而出。

    It is not easy to see what will be the key technology to emerge or the key business model .

  7. 怎样看待克隆技术的发展,并掌握好未来健康发展的方向,对其引发的伦理争议进行探讨,也许能提供一种有益的启示。

    Discussing about the ethical disputation on cloning technique will be beneficial to evaluate the technique correctly and make it develop healthily .

  8. 当你步入未来,你要利用好未来的各种机会,万一它们成为了你的正确道路呢。

    As you move towards your future , place yourself in a position to take advantage of future opportunities should they come your way .

  9. 希望我们彼此将这段感情藏至心底,从现在开始把握好未来,真心希望你过的比我好。

    We hope that this feeling will be mutual possession to the bottom of my heart and from now grasp the future , sincerely hope that you better than I have .

  10. 他称:“儿童需要爱、鼓励和尊重,而这些也是他们充分发挥潜力,过好未来每一天的前提。”

    He said : " All of our children deserve the love , encouragement , and respect they need to reach their full potential today and every day of the year . "

  11. 今年是十二五收官之年,我们要在完成十二五经济社会发展主要目标任务的同时,以改革的精神、创新的理念和科学的方法,做好十三五规划纲要编制工作,谋划好未来五年的发展蓝图。

    As we strive to accomplish the major tasks and objectives for economic and social development set forth in this plan , we need to formulate the 13th Five-Year Plan , bringing to this work the spirit of reform and innovation and adopting a scientific approach .

  12. 母亲已给她的儿子设计好了未来。

    Mother has designed the future for her son .

  13. 没有Instagram或是Tumblr帖子去记下你那些白痴的行为,好让未来的雇员或者伙伴看了指责你,那个时候,公共活动中有种让人安心的隐私,如今却早就蒸发了。

    No Instagram or Tumblr posts memorialized your most idiotic behavior for prospective employers or partners to condemn , giving public events a liberating privacy that 's rapidly evaporating .

  14. 每个人都认为我会有一个很好的未来。

    They all think that I 'll have a really good future .

  15. 李明确信我将有一个很好的未来。

    Li Ming is sure that I will have a good future .

  16. 而且我希望有一个比较好的未来。

    And I want to have a bright future .

  17. 我们不会有一个好的未来。

    There is not a good future for us .

  18. 我准备好面对未来一切的改变。

    I 'm ready to deal with any changes that come my way .

  19. 您是否已经预备好面对未来?

    Are you ready to confront the future ?

  20. 在出生之前,实际上我们已经拟好了未来人生的蓝图。

    Before we were born , we already planned the blueprint of our lives .

  21. 最后,我祝愿每个同学都有一个好的未来。

    Last but not least , I wish every one of you a bright future .

  22. 我想让女性知道努力工作可以获得好的未来。

    I want women to see that hard work can lead to a good future .

  23. 有个好的未来诺兰

    to have a future , Nolan .

  24. 只要我们遇见,我相信就会有好的未来。

    As long as we meet each other , we will have a nice future I believe .

  25. 我相信随着中国在设计和时尚领域不断增强的世界影响力,这些品牌会有很好的未来。

    I believe they have a great future , as Chinese influence in design and fashion in overseas market will increase .

  26. 如果周五帕潘德里欧能在不信任投票中过关,世界就要准备好面对未来几个月市场可能延续震荡的局面。

    If Papandreou survives a vote of no confidence Friday , the stage will be set for months of further market instability .

  27. 大学生应定位好自己未来的发展方向,不断提高自身的综合素质,使人力资本成为自身所拥有的最雄厚的资源。

    Students should locate their own future development , constantly improve their overall quality , and make their human capital become their most abundant resource .

  28. 然而,多数接受调查的院校表示,它们已准备好接受未来3年政府拨款减少15%到20%。

    However , most institutions surveyed are preparing for an overall 15 to 20 per cent cut in government funding over the next three years .

  29. 我不可能就此止步!没有阻力可以干扰我规划好的未来!现在,你将感受真正的力量!

    I have not come this far to be stopped ! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized ! Now , you will taste true power !

  30. 就好像每一项作业、每个测验、每个活动,都对于我们为他们规划好的未来成败攸关。

    It 's as if every piece of homework , every quiz , every activity is a make-or-break moment for this future we have in mind for them ,