
láo wù shì chǎnɡ
  • labor market;service market
  1. 专门提供休闲的第三产业在2015年左右将会主导劳务市场,在美国GDP中占有一半的份额。

    The tertiary industry typically provides leisure will led the labor market in 2015 , and account for half the share of GDP in the United States .

  2. 加入WTO给中国经济带来的最大冲击和挑战,不在商品和资本市场,而在劳务市场。

    The greatest shock and challenge that would be caused by the entering of WTO to China 's economy is not in commodities and capital market , but in labor market .

  3. 东亚国际工程承包劳务市场现状及我对策论加入WTO对我国对外工程承包业的影响

    INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTING BUSINESS IN EAST ASIA On the Influence to the International Contracting for Construction Industries After China Joined WTO

  4. 她辞去了工作,取出IBM的退休金,创办了劳务市场平台TaskRabbit,用户可以在网站注册做零工。

    She left her job and cashed out her IBM pension to start TaskRabbit , where people can sign up to do odd jobs .

  5. 截至目前,他所投资或担任顾问的科技公司已经超过30家,其中包括Facebook、Twitter、租车网站Uber和网上劳务市场TaskRabbit。

    To date , he has invested in and advises over 30 tech companies , from Facebook ( FB ) and Twitter to Uber and TaskRabbit .

  6. 同许多国家一样,多米尼加的教育系统并没有顺应雇员和劳务市场的需求,Vermehren说。

    In the Dominican Republic , as in many countries , the educational system is not responding to the needs of employers and the labor market , Vermehren says .

  7. 世界劳务市场及中国劳务出口的前景分析

    Prospects for world labor market & china 's labor service export

  8. 21世纪我国船员劳务市场发展研究

    The 21 ~( st ) Century Development of Seafarer Employment Market

  9. 尽管有非官方劳务市场的帮助,找到工作仍是难事。

    Even with unofficial help , finding work is a struggle .

  10. 国际承包劳务市场态势与展望

    The Trend and Prospect of International Contract Engineering and Labour Service Market

  11. 你在劳务市场上找到佣人了吗?

    Have you got a servant at the slave market ?

  12. 所有这些因素不利于新涉足劳务市场的青年人。

    All these factors work against the young entrant to the labour market .

  13. 国际劳务市场高技能人才需求状况探析

    Analysis on Talents Demand Status in International Labor Market

  14. 有多少人真正因为劳务市场问题而遭受不幸呢?

    How many people really suffer as a result of labor market problems ?

  15. 中国船员走向全球劳务市场的瓶颈

    Bottleneck for Chinese seafarer entering the global labor market

  16. 中国海员打入国际劳务市场的关键所在

    The key points for the Chinese seamen to go into the international labour market

  17. 国际船员劳务市场及中国船员劳务外派

    Global labor market & Chinese seafarers manning abroad

  18. 建立长效管理机制,促进建筑劳务市场健康发展

    Establishing Long - Term Effect Management Mechanism , Promoting Healthy Development of Construction Labor Market

  19. 挪威劳务市场的潜力

    Norway 's Labor Market has Great Potentials

  20. 当前国际劳务市场发展态势及其应对策略

    Policy & Measures An Analysis on the Tendency of International Labor Market and Tactical Measures

  21. 关于均衡劳务市场中的最低工资及职位配对对失业影响的研究

    Research on Influence of Minimum Wage and Position Matching in Balanced Service Market on Unemployment

  22. 第一章对国际国内海员劳务市场现状进行了分析;

    Chapter One analyzes the present situation of seaman labor market at home and abroad ;

  23. 新世纪的国际船员劳务市场具有十分巨大的发展潜力和开发前景。

    The new century international seafarer employment market has a huge developing potential and prospect .

  24. 张宇增说,他常常会因为劳务市场的变幻无常而感到恼火。

    Mr. Zhang said he often felt frustrated by the uncertainty of the job market .

  25. 如果你不挑三拣四,在劳务市场是能够找到一份工作的。

    If you are not too choosy , you can find a job in the market .

  26. 把这年轻人带上岸并指给他去劳务市场的路。

    Take the young man ashore with you and show him the way to the labour market .

  27. 如果您想一想,会发现这很类似于人力劳务市场的运作。

    If you think about it , this is similar to how the human labor market works .

  28. 第二章主要对当前国际劳务市场的最新发展趋势进行了介绍。

    The second chapter mainly made an introduction of the recent development about the international labor market .

  29. 这一变化为中国海员大量进入国际海员劳务市场提供了良好的机遇。

    This change has provided an opportunity for Chinese seafarers to enter into the international maritime labor market .

  30. 在这个时期,河南面临劳务市场供求结构性失衡。

    In the growth period , Henan is facing structural imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market .