
  • 网络Labor Market Theory;theory of the labor market
  1. 本文的目标是运用内部劳动力市场理论(Internallabormarkettheory)研究我国企业内部的劳动就业问题。

    The purpose of this article is to research the labor employment question in chinese enterprises by using the internal labor market theory . The internal labor market theory is a new domain of modern Labor Economics .

  2. 本文将主要运用精英循环理论和新结构主义社会学家皮奥里(J.Piore)的二元劳动力市场理论以及其它社会分层与流动理论等进行分析。

    The theoretical foundation is made up by the theory of elite circulation , the dual labor market theory by J.Piore , and some other theories like social stratification and mobility and so on .

  3. 激进学派的劳动力市场理论

    The Labor Market Theory of the Radical School

  4. 西方劳动力市场理论

    Theory of labor - market in the West

  5. 从长期来看,内部劳动力市场理论也为民营企业的发展指明了方向。

    Based on long-term , internal labor market theory also has indicated a developing direction for civilian-operated enterprises .

  6. 我国正在建立社会主义市场经济体制,因而了解和分析西方劳动力市场理论,对于推进我国劳动市场理论的发展和促进劳动市场的发育无疑是有意义的。

    The Paper had a great Significance in Promoting the Development of Labor-Market Theory and the growth of labor Market In Our country .

  7. 内部劳动力市场理论是近三十多年来经济学理论获得的最新进展之一,同时也是劳动经济学最新的组成部分。

    Internal Labor Markets ( ILM ) theory is one of the newest economic theories in lately thirty years , and the newest component of Labor Economics .

  8. 在二元劳动力市场理论下,家政服务业作为非正规就业,应纳入劳动法适用非标准劳动关系调整,调整方式相对于标准劳动关系更具灵活性。

    Under the theory of dual labor markets , as a kind of non-regular employment , household service relationship should apply the regulation of non-standard labor relationship .

  9. 本文采用分裂的劳动力市场理论来分析种植园制度的本质,其表现为种族的阶层化、残酷的经济剥削和分而治之政策。

    I use the split labor market theory to analyze the nature of plantation system featured by racial stratification , ruthless economic exploitation , and a divide and rule policy .

  10. 从二元劳动力市场理论、职业搜寻理论和保留工资理论的角度分析,大学生自愿性失业其实是一种理性选择。

    Analysis from the angle of theory of dual labor market , theory of job search and theory of reserved wages , it is a rational choice for graduate to become unemployed voluntarily .

  11. 内部劳动力市场理论开辟了劳动力市场研究的新视角,在劳动经济学领域实现了打开企业黑匣的创举。

    The internal labor market theory opened a new angle of view in the labor market research , which has realized the opening of the " the black box " in the labor economics .

  12. 针对相关理论基础如:推力-拉力理论、双重劳动力市场理论、新古典经济学理论、发展经济学说中的人口迁移理论、年龄-迁移率模型等进行了解释。

    Explained the basis of the theory , such as : Thrust-pull theory , dual labor market theory , the theory of population migration in the neo-classical economic theory , development economics , age-mobility model .

  13. 第三部分为理论介绍,主要介绍了推拉理论、双重劳动力市场理论、迁移文化理论、新家庭经济迁移理论、迁移选择理论以及迁移投资理论。

    Part three introduces some theories ; include Push-pull theory , dual labor market theory , and theory of migration cultural , new theory of family migration , migration choice theory and theory of migration investment .

  14. 内部劳动力市场理论认为,研究总经理内部提升或是外部聘任及其对公司业绩的影响,对于丰富内部劳动力市场和上市公司改革均有意义。

    From the internal labor market theory , the research of internal promotion or external employment and their influences to the performance of listed company has significance in extending the internal labor market theory and listed company reform .

  15. 劳动力市场分割理论:理论背景及其演化

    The Theory of Segmented Labor Market : Theoretical Background and Evolution

  16. 激进经济学的劳动力市场分割理论和歧视理论述评

    The Theory of Labor Market Segmentation and Discrimination of Radical Economics

  17. 劳动力市场分割理论综述及缔约视角的思考

    A Summary and Thinking Viewed from Contracting on the segmented Labor Market

  18. 二元制劳动力市场分割理论在中国的验证

    A Test of the Dual Labor Market Theory for China

  19. 二元劳动力市场分割理论视野下的文科知识失业分析

    An analysis of Liberal Arts Educated Unemployment under Dual-labor Market Segmentation Theory

  20. 第二节是对劳动力市场分割理论的概述。

    The second part is to the labor market segmentation theory outline .

  21. 介绍了劳动力市场分割理论,对我国就业弹性值进行了重新测算;

    This paper introduces the labor market segmentation and analyses the employment elasticity .

  22. 西方劳动力市场歧视理论与我国农民工就业歧视问题

    Western Theories of Labor Market Discrimination and Employment Discrimination of Migrant Rural Workers in China

  23. 高等学校分类发展是社会和教育自身双重选择的结果,其理论依据包括劳动力市场分割理论和学校能级理论。

    Classification of higher education institutions is influenced by theories of labor market segregation and institutional capacity .

  24. 第二部分,介绍人力资本投资理论、职业搜寻理论、劳动力市场分割理论。

    The second part describes the theory of human capital investment , theory of job search , theory of labor market segmentation .

  25. 本研究是在社会学中人力资本理论、劳动力市场歧视理论以及职业性别隔离理论框架下对男女收入差距进行分析的实证性研究。

    The research is an empirical one based on the theory of Human Capital , models of labor market discrimination and Occupation Segregation theory .

  26. 歧视经济学、人力资本理论、教育筛选理论以及劳动力市场分割理论等都从不同方面论述了劳动力的异质性。

    Discrimination economics 、 human capital theory 、 screening theory and labor market segmentation theory illustrate the difference in labor force in different aspects .

  27. 而劳动力市场分割理论则揭示了各领域的劳动力市场处于分割状态的现实,劳动力无法自由流动。

    And labor market segmentation theory is revealed in all fields of labor market segmentation state of reality , not the free movement of labor .

  28. 本文从劳动力及市场理论出发,对中国职业介绍服务系统的运行和管理模式进行了研究探讨。

    This article researches the mode of movement and management of Chinese occupation introduction service system from the theories of the labor force and market .

  29. 农民工的就业与社会保险政策的关系研究&以劳动力市场分割理论为分析视角

    The Research on The Relation between The Farmer Workers ' Employment and The Social Insurance Policy & From The Segmented Labor Market Theory Point of View

  30. 然后运用新古典经济学的劳动力市场分割理论分析农村劳动进城对城市就业和工资率的影响。

    Then using workforce market segmentation theory I analyzed the impact of the flow of rural laborer to cities on the urban employment and the wage rate .