
  • 网络Sustainable Development Theory
  1. 土地利用结构的研究在国内刚刚起步,目前尚无成熟的理论体系。本研究以景观生态学、区位理论和可持续发展理论等相关学科为指导,并采用GIS技术,开展区域土地利用结构的研究。

    Based on relevant theories , such as landscape ecology view , position theory and sustainable development theory , and with GIS technology , the study on regional land use structural is carried on .

  2. 本文围绕土地利用结构,结合江苏省宝应县的区域特点,采用景观生态学、区位理论、可持续发展理论以及GIS技术,探讨该地区的土地利用类型的数量、空间和组合结构。

    Combining regional characteristics of Baoying County , Jiangsu Province , the author worked on the land use characteristics of this area such as land use and its spatial distribution using landscape ecology theory , position theory , sustainable development theory and GIS technology .

  3. 本文根据农业生态学、生态经济学原理和农业农村可持续发展理论,提出了农村可持续发展的理想状态&生态农村(eco-countryside),并建立了生态农村的基本理论框架。

    In this dissertation , based on the principles of agricultural ecology , ecological economics and sustainable development theory , the ideal state of country sustainable development & eco-countryside is proposed . Moreover , the theoretical framework of eco-country is established .

  4. 分析了区域森林资源调控系统(RFRRS)的三大理论支柱:区域可持续发展理论、系统控制论和森林基础理论。

    A clear explanation has been given to the three theoretical pillar of Regional Forest Resources Regulated System ( RFRRS ) in this paper , which are regional sustainable development theory , system cybernetics and forest management theory .

  5. 可持续发展理论有别于传统的发展理论。

    Sustainable development theory is different compared with traditional development theory .

  6. 可持续发展理论在西方经济学中的演进

    The Development of " Continued Development " Theory in Western Economics

  7. 生态建筑体现了建筑对可持续发展理论的回应。

    Ecological architecture is in response to the sustainable development theory .

  8. 马克思的企业可持续发展理论及其现实价值

    Marx 's Enterprise Sustainable Development Theory and Its Realistic Value

  9. 环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建

    Design of the Framework of the System Info of Environmental Sustainable Development

  10. 森林生态系统自然保护区可持续发展理论探析

    The Analysis of Sustainable Development Theory of the Nature Reserves

  11. 压差调节及控制生态系统学说与可持续发展理论

    Regulating Different Pressure & Controlling THE THEORY OF ECOSYSTEM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

  12. 区域农业可持续发展理论与决策技术

    Theory and Decision Technique on Sustainable Development of Regional Agriculture

  13. 可持续发展理论与中国特色的科学社会发展观

    The sustainable development theory and scientific social development view with Chinese characteristics

  14. 第三部分,分析了可持续发展理论的理论根源。

    Part 3 , the analysis of origin of the sustainable development theory .

  15. 生态伦理:可持续发展理论架构的基础

    Ecological Ethics : Foundation of Sustainable Development Theoretical Structure

  16. 可持续发展理论与实践的自组织性质研究

    Study on the self-organization characteristic of sustainable development based on the self-organization theory

  17. 侵蚀山区水土保持与可持续发展理论的思索

    The Thought about Soil-Water Conservation and Sustainable Development Theory in Erosion Mountainous Area

  18. 区域可持续发展理论和决策支持系统研究

    Research On District Sustainable Development and Decision Support System

  19. 可持续发展理论的思想探源

    On The Origin Of The Theory Of Sustained Development

  20. 可持续发展理论与资本观的变革资本观与资本逻辑视角下的可持续发展

    The Capital Theory of Sustainable Development and the Philosophical Reflection of Capital Logic

  21. 可持续发展理论在人类认识史上引起的七大变化

    Seven impacts of sustainable development theory on Epistemology

  22. 可持续发展理论起源于环境与生态保护问题,是环境问题日益严重形势下,人类对自然和自身发展进行理论性思考的产物。

    It has been derived from the problems of the environmental and ecological protection .

  23. 海洋经济和海洋可持续发展理论方法及其应用研究

    Research on the Theory , Method and Application of Ocean Economy and Sustainable Development

  24. 科学发展观视野下对可持续发展理论的审读

    The Reading of the Theory of Sustainable Development Under the Scientific Concept of Development

  25. 可持续发展理论与现实的冲突分析

    An Analysis on the Conflict between the Theory of Sustainable Development and the Reality

  26. 建筑涂料的可持续发展理论综述

    Overview on the sustainable development of architecture coatings

  27. 可持续发展理论为投资项目持续性后评价提供了理论基础。

    The theoretical basis of investment project post evaluation is the theory of sustainable development .

  28. 从林业可持续发展理论的角度研究森林生态经济系统是时代的要求。

    Studying forest eco-economic system from the angle of forestry sustainable development is the current trend .

  29. 自然资源价值及其补偿问题是经济可持续发展理论的重要组成部分。

    The value compensation of natural resources is an important component in economic sustainable development theory .

  30. 第一部分是理论基础,分为可持续发展理论和环境承载力理论。

    It consisted of the theory of sustainable development and the theory of environmental carrying capacity .