
  • 网络renewable portfolio standard;rps
  1. 可再生能源配额制(RPS)是国际上为促进可再生能源开发而实行的一种新政策。

    Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) is a new policy to promote development of renewable energy in the world .

  2. 论自然资源所有权客体可再生能源配额制研究

    On the object of natural resources ownership Research on the Renewable Portfolio Standard

  3. 可再生能源配额制及广东省实施方案的设计研究

    Research on Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) & design plan for Guangdong Province

  4. 对可再生能源配额制的考察与思考

    Investigation and deliberations on renewable energy quota system

  5. 计及可再生能源配额制的购电策略研究含分布式电源的配电网故障恢复策略

    The Research of Optimal Electricity Procurement Strategy with Renewable Portfolio Standards Service Restoration Strategy for the Distribution System with DGs

  6. 根据考察情况,结合我国实际,提出一些在中国推行可再生能源配额制的思考与建议。

    This paper , based upon the investigation situation and combining with China 's reality , puts forth some deliberations and proposals for pursuing renewable energy quota system in China .

  7. 但要解决小水电发展面临的问题,必须深化电力体制改革,实行可再生能源配额制。根部能量的积累随放牧强度的提高而逐渐减少。

    However , systematic reform of the power industry must be deepened in order to solve the problems faced by small hydropower development and a system for increasing quota of reusable energy must be carried out .

  8. 文章分析了世界可再生能源配额制的几种模式,总结了其成功的经验,结合我国的可再生能源资源情况及现状,提出了中国推行可再生能源配额制的一些思考和建议。

    This text analyzed several modes of renewable portfolio standard in world , concluded its successful experience , based upon renewable energy resources in China and combining with China 's reality , put forth some deliberations and proposals for pursuing renewable portfolio standard in China .

  9. 可再生能源发电配额制(RPS)和强制上网制(FIL)是国际上两种主要的可再生能源激励制度。

    Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) and Feed-in Law ( FIL ) are two major incentive policies for renewable energy development in the world .

  10. 近年来,我国政府一直积极探索以强制性手段保障可再生能源发展的有效机制,可再生能源配额制政策作为一项重要强制性能源政策,已被纳入国家能源局2011年工作计划。

    In recent years , The Chinese government has been actively develop a mandatory renewable energy policy . As an important mandatory energy policy , the policy of Renewable Portfolio Standard have been included in 2011 work plan in National energy board .