
  1. 第一部分主要对股东有限责任制度的概念进行了分析,指出股东有限责任制度有其自身的含义,并不是民法中所指的有限责任。

    Chapter one discusses the conception of the limited liability of shareholders .

  2. 第三节对股东有限责任制度的具体法律构建进行探讨,指出法律基于公平正义的价值考量,为了平衡股东与债权人之间的利益,规定了股东有限责任制度的适用条件。

    Section three studies the legal design of the limited liability of shareholders .

  3. 本文主要围绕股东有限责任制度的法理基础进行探讨。

    This article mainly studies the jurisprudence foundation of the limited liability of shareholder .

  4. 法律对股东有限责任制度的确认是法律生成的过程。

    The validation of the limited liability of shareholders is the formation of law .

  5. 公司法人的独立人格和股东有限责任制度,促进了社会生产力的发展,推动了社会的文明与进步。

    Company 's limited liability system , has promoted the development of society 's productivity .

  6. 法人独立责任是我国民法上独有的概念,其实质为公司法上股东有限责任制度的一种投影和扩张。

    And the sole responsibilities or shared responsibilities must be dependent on the number of the parties in the legal relationship .

  7. 可以说,国内对于股东有限责任制度的系统研究,的确仍需深入与开拓。

    Therefore , the systematic research on the system of the limited liability of shareholders in our country certainly needs to be deepened and expanded .

  8. 关联企业的出现对于传统公司法中的独立法律人格和股东有限责任制度造成了极大的冲击。

    The emergence of related enterprises in the traditional company law , " independent legal personality " and " shareholder limited liability system " caused great impact .

  9. 第一节分析了股东有限责任制度的经济价值与负面作用。第二节分析了法律基于经济理性对股东有限责任制度的确认。

    Section two pointing out that the limited of the limited liability is established on the value of efficiency , and it 's the result of the economic rationalism .

  10. 基本思路是说明股东有限责任制度不是法律逻辑的产物,法律确立该制度主要是基于经济理性的考虑;

    The basic view is that the limited liability of shareholders is not based on the legal logic and it is established by law for the reason of economic rationalism .

  11. 但是我们不能因此而对这一制度完全否认,唯一可行的方法是完善股东有限责任制度,采取措施弥补这一制度的缺陷。

    Meanwhile , we should not negate this system completely for such flaws . The only feasible way is to improve the shareholder limited liability system and take measures to make up its flaws .

  12. 加重责任制度和法人人格否认制度均是对股东有限责任制度的突破,但在具体适用上有诸多不同,且有很严格的适用条件。

    Both the Enhanced Obligations and the system of disregard of corporate personality are the breakthroughs to the system of limited liability of shareholders , but they have many differences on specific applications which require strict conditions .

  13. 股东有限责任制度是现代企业制度的核心,它曾为公司在社会经济生活中发挥重要作用奠定了基础,是促进经济发展的有力的法律工具,但是它也有其固有的缺陷和不足之处。

    The shareholder limited liability system is the core of the modern enterprise institution . It has laid down the foundation for company developing in social economy , and it is a powerful legal tool to promote economic development .

  14. 股东有限责任制度的存在是利大于弊的,在历史上它曾发挥过巨大的、不可替代的作用,在未来很长一段历史时期内它仍将存在并发挥作用。

    The existence of the limited liability of shareholder does more good than harm . In history it has played an enormous , irreplaceable role and in the future for a very long historical period it will still exist and play a role in .

  15. 股东有限责任制度作为公司法律各项制度建立与完善的基础,其自身也存在着明显的缺陷,从而导致股东滥用公司法律人格和有限责任的现象大量出现。

    As the basis for the establishment and improvement for various corporate laws , there are distinctive flaws existing in the shareholder limited liability system itself , which results in a large number of occurrences of the abuse of the corporate judicial personality and limited liability .

  16. 第五部分,我国建立股东有限责任例外适用制度的必要性、可能性及立法构想。

    The third part discusses the specific application of the exceptional application system of the shareholder limited liability .

  17. 现代公司法确立的公司人格独立与股东有限责任作为公司制度两大基石保障了公司的正常运行。

    The limited liability system and corporate personality independence established in the modern corporate law has guaranteed the normal movement of the company .

  18. 一般认为,公司人格的独立和股东有限责任是公司法人制度的两大基石。

    Traditionally , generally considering , independence of corporate personality and limited liability of shareholders are two fundamental stones .

  19. 因此,我国公司法应有针对性地确立股东有限责任的个案否认制度,以真正达到保护债权人、建立良好的市场环境、促进商业信用建立之目的。

    Therefore , China 's law of company should accordingly establish the system of denying the specific cases concerning the share holder 's limited responsibilities so as to provide real protection for creditors establish a favorable market environment and promote the establishment of commercial credit system .