
  • 网络stock collateral loans
  1. 股票质押贷款业务的贷款价值比率

    On Loan - to - value Ratio s of Stock-pledging Loan

  2. 个人股票质押贷款:风险能够控制吗?

    Individual loan on pledged stock : can risk be controled ?

  3. 不确定性条件下股票质押贷款基本问题的探讨

    A study on stock mortgage loan 's problem under the uncertainty

  4. 股票质押贷款模型的实证分析

    Simulation and Empirical Study of stock mortgage loan problem

  5. 论股票质押贷款及其模式创新

    On the stock collateral loan and pattern innovation

  6. 中行深圳分行证券公司股票质押贷款业务信用风险管理研究

    Research on Credit Risk Management of Stock Mortgage Loans in Bank of China Shenzhen Branch

  7. 股票质押贷款是我国商业银行贷款业务的一项创新。

    Stock collateral loan is an innovation in loan business for commercial banks in China .

  8. 同时,我国要加快利率市场化步伐,合理运用证券市场信用控制,完善股票质押贷款管理办法,运用窗口指导,将股票价格作为辅助监测指标。

    Stock mortgage loan ; the central bank 's window operation ; the stock market be an auxiliary monitoring index .

  9. 在这部分里,首先对股票质押贷款作了界定,同时介绍了目前我国股票质押贷款的相关法律规定,这是本文讨论股票质押贷款风险管理解决方案的法律基础。

    Then , this article analyzes the risks of stock mortgage loan and provides some basis principles to manage those risks .

  10. 股票质押贷款作为金融资产质押贷款的一种方式,与一般贷款业务相比,其风险点多、管理难度大的特点更加突出。

    Stock mortgage loan which is one form of financial assets-mortgage loans faces more credit risk , compared with common loans .

  11. 有专职部门和人员负责经营和管理股票质押贷款业务;

    The special departments and personnel shall assume the responsibility for the operation and control of the business of stock mortgage loans .

  12. 此部分对《证券公司股票质押贷款管理办法》关于风险防范措施进行了评价,然后指出应在股权质押设立前、设立时以及设立后适用不同的风险防范措施。

    The author holds that different measures should be made before , at the time and after the establishment of the shareholding pledge .

  13. 商业银行开办股票质押贷款业务须经中国人民银行总行批准。

    Whenever the commercial banks plan to start the business of stock mortgage loans , they shall be approved by the headquarters of the PBOC .

  14. 第五条股票质押贷款业务的归口管理机关为中国人民银行总行。

    The administrative organ responsible for the business of stock mortgage loans shall be the headquarters of the People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ) .

  15. 本文通过实践中对中国银行深圳分行证券公司股票质押贷款业务信用风险管理的研究,找出存在的问题,提出改进的方法。

    This article focuses on the study of credit risk management of stock mortgage loans in bank of china Shenzhen branch in practical , trying to find the problems and its solution .

  16. 股票质押贷款是指股票持有人在需要借入短期资金时,把所持有股票作为质押品而从商业银行贷款融资的行为。

    The stock mortgage refers to the behavior that stock possessor takes the stock as the nature security from the commercial bank loan financing when needs to borrow into the short-term fund .

  17. 投资者们买入证券,有时会用买入的股票质押获得贷款。

    Investors bought securities , sometimes borrowing money with loans secured by the shares they were buying .

  18. 探讨了在不确定条件下商业银行质押贷款的决策行为,并建立了股票组合质押贷款的优化模型。

    The behavior of commercial banks under uncertainty is studied , and the optimum models of the stock mortgage loan portfolio are proposed .