
  1. 在假定抵押资源不受限制以及利率可自由浮动的情况下,分贷后的信息对称和贷后的信息不对称两种情况研究了存在抵押条件时的银企最优契约。

    Under the condition of the unlimited resource of pledge and floatable interest rate , the optimal contract between a bank and enterprise is studied from both sides of information symmetry and information asymmetry after credit .

  2. 按照我国商业银行信贷业务的流程,同时也为了方便论文的结构安排,分为了贷前管理制度和贷后管理制度。

    For the process of credit business and the structure of the paper , these two parts are separated as the pre-loan management system and after-loan management system .

  3. 人保东莞分公司车贷险业务的可持续发展研究

    The Research on the Sustainable Development of Private Auto Loans Bond Insurance of Dongguan 's Branch of PICC

  4. 学分银行制度的有效实行与推广,取决于内生其中的存分机制、贷分机制和兑分机制的良性的联动效应。

    The valid execution and expansions of " the credit bank " system is decided by positive linkage effect in which saving credits mechanism , loaning credits mechanism and exchanging credits mechanism endogenesis .

  5. 贷款的大约四分之三都是贷给女性,这在小额贷款中是比较常见的。

    Three out of four loans have gone to women , which is common with microfinance .

  6. 以人力资本的表现载体(个人)所属国籍分类,人力资本可分为国内人力贷本和国外人力资本。

    It can also be divided into domestic and foreign human capital according to the nationality of its performance carrier ( the individual ) .