
  • 网络Loan Amortization;amortized loan;installment loans
  1. 公司已同意分期偿还贷款。

    The company has agree to repay the loan in stage .

  2. 利用可回售债券匹配分期偿还贷款的研究

    Study on Using Putable Bond Match Amortizable Loan

  3. 住房抵押贷款证券化是以住房抵押贷款为基础资产,以借款人分期偿还贷款所形成的稳定现金流作为支撑,具有易操作,风险低等特点,所以在各国都被作为资产证券化的突破口。

    Principal and interest payments received from the underlying amortization loan are passed through to the investors . Owing to the stable cash flow , easy operation and low risk , residential mortgage-backed securities were created as the breakthrough of the asset backed securitization in a list of countries .

  4. 他们将用很长时间分期偿还这笔贷款。

    They will spread out their payment of the loan over a long period of time .

  5. 本文的精算模型不仅适用于住房抵押贷款偿还保险,对所有分期偿还的贷款方式均可提供此类性质的保险,拓宽了保险公司的业务范围。

    The actuarial model in this paper is not only used in housing mortgage loan insurance , but also provides this kind of insurance for all kinds of payments by installment , it widens up the business range of insurance companies .

  6. 分期偿还的抵押贷款房子的抵押贷款到期了。

    Amortized Mortgage Loan The mortgage payment on his house is due .

  7. 我们难以继续支付分期偿还的抵押贷款。

    We 're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments .