
ɡāo xī dài kuǎn
  • high interest loans
  1. 什么样的企业才能创造出偿付这些高息贷款所必需的惊人回报率?

    What sort of business can generate the spectacular returns necessary to repay these high interest loans ?

  2. 德国已向陷入困境的国家提供高息贷款,但是不愿采取大规模财政转移支付。

    Germany has made expensive loans to troubled countries , but does not like big fiscal transfers .

  3. 但是,让借款人放着还得起的贷款不借却非要借高息贷款的,正是这些经纪人。

    But it was often the brokers who steered borrowers away from affordable loans and toward the high-priced loans in the first place .

  4. 尽管联邦基金利率即商业银行间隔夜拆借利率连续降息三次,但到12月11日,银行已连续三个月高息贷款,利息比3月份的还高。

    Despite three reductions in the Fed funds rate , banks were still paying more on December11th to borrow money for three months than they had been in March .

  5. 其目标是降低偿债成本,并通过将短期、高息的银行贷款置换为低息、长期的市政债券来延长到期期限。

    The goal is to lower debt-servicing costs and extend maturities by converting short-term , high-interest bank loans to low-interest , long-term municipal bonds .