
  • 网络executive;top manager;top management;Senior management
  1. OnionNewsNetwork的记者JeanAnneWhorton将为我们报道移民是怎样影响前公司高层管理人员的。

    Immigration : The Human Cost The Onion News Network 's Jean Anne Whorton looks at how immigration has affected one former corporate executive .

  2. 其MBA课程全球排名第16,在亚太地区更是首屈一指。而自2003年以来,其高层管理人员课程就一直名列亚太地区之首。

    Its MBA is ranked 16th in the world and top in the Asia-Pacific region , while customised executive education has been ranked top in the region since 2003 .

  3. 该公司的高层管理人员共用一间开敞式办公室。

    The firm 's top managers share the same open-plan office .

  4. 公司的高层管理人员拒绝理智行事。

    The company 's top executives had refused to listen to reason .

  5. 龙头公司会在磨砺高层管理人员的技能上付出时间和金钱。

    Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers

  6. 中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)董事罗祝平表示,东航中高层管理人员的薪水将削减10-30%。

    Luo Zhuping , a director of China Eastern Airlines , said salaries for middle and high-level executives would be cut by 10-30 per cent .

  7. 据行业协会高层管理人员工商管理硕士理事会(ExecutiveMBACouncil)的统计,2007年,这类访问有49%去往中国。

    In2007,49 % of such trips were to China , according to the Executive MBA Council , an industry association .

  8. 米高·嘉道理(MichaelKadoorie)向他的高层管理人员提出挑战,要他们着眼未来的50年。

    Michael Kadoorie challenges his top management to look at 50-year horizons .

  9. 本文以陷入财务困境的ST公司为样本,检验当公司陷入财务困境的情况下,负债控制机制是否对公司高层管理人员起到监督作用。

    This paper takes as example some indebted ST companies to see whether this situation has some constraining power over their senior management .

  10. 去年,在向公平就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)提交的一份报告中,谷歌表示,其36名决策层和高层管理人员中,只有三名是女性。

    In a report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last year , Google said that of its 36 executives and top-ranking managers , just three are women .

  11. 第二,为什么WilliamChan内部晋升与外部聘用的经典模型并不能很好地解释经济发展过程中的企业高层管理人员调整的内在机制?

    Why the classical model by William Chan can not explain external recruitment of managers as a phenomenon during economic development ?

  12. 我们调查了社会网络遭到的非爱即恨的待遇,并看到下一代的高层管理人员如何使用Facebook建立联系。

    We investigated the love-it-or-hate-it world of social networking and looked at how the next generation of top executives are using Facebook to create connections today .

  13. 自此,中国有了面向高层管理人员的EMBA专业学位教育项目。

    Since then , we had the EMBA degree education projects for senior management in China .

  14. 对不起,我需要最有可能参加下周四与TMS的午餐会议-高层管理人员。

    Sorry , most likely I need to attend a lunch meeting with TMS-top management by next Thursday .

  15. THB公司高层管理人员绩效考核的体系设计

    A Design of Performance Appraisal of the Managers from THB Company

  16. 此前,默多克的最高层管理人员,新闻国际首席执行官丽贝卡•布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)宣布辞职。

    Earlier , one of his most senior executives , Rebekah Brooks , resigned as chief executive of News International .

  17. 大卫?甘纳韦(DavidGannaway)想找一个高层管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)课程,他关心的不仅仅是学校的名气。

    When David Gannaway was looking for an executive M.B.A.program , he wasn 't interested only in a school 's reputation .

  18. 公司高层管理人员大多反对这个想法,因为eBay实力雄厚,其中国合作伙伴当时已在中国拥有了巨大的市场份额。

    Most of his top executives opposed the idea , since eBay was a formidable company and its Chinese partner already had a huge share of the China market .

  19. 基于对信息的分析,为重要的ModCommunications,Inc.高层管理人员准备一个解决方案建议,以从资金和项目决策方面说明后续步骤。

    Based on the analysis of information , a solution recommendation is prepared for key executives of Mod Communications , Inc. , to explain next steps in terms of funding and project decisions .

  20. 这位特工参加的是凯洛格商学院自2003年以来专为fbi开设的培训课程,目前已为fbi培训了约3000名中高层管理人员。

    The special agent was attending a programme that the business school has run for the FBI since 2003 , which has now trained roughly 3000 senior and mid-level managers .

  21. 同时,本文首次尝试运用BP神经网络构建电子制造业高管素质测评模型,并通过对某集团的高层管理人员的测评实例来对本文所建立的模型进行分析验证。

    Meanwhile , this article first attempts to use the BP neural network to build the electronics manufacturing industry executives Quality Testing Model , and to verify the model analysis and validation by the evaluation of the senior management of a group instance .

  22. 涵盖了核能业的行业技能协会Cogent表示,到2025年,英国核能产业约有三分之二的高层管理人员将要退休。

    About two-thirds of top British nuclear managers could retire by 2025 , according to Cogent , the skills council that covers the nuclear industry .

  23. 根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员。另外,美国政府还将对该公司的重大决策拥有否决权。

    Under the plan , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives will be appointed . It also gives the US government veto power over major decisions at the company .

  24. 为使高层管理人员的激励机制更加直接有效,应适当鼓励一部分上市公司进行MBO的尝试,部分上市公司可成为M130的先行者。

    In order to make the reward mechanism to the senior-ranking administrative personals more effective , it was encouraged that some joint-stock companies try to run MBO , and the others should turn into the pioneer of MBO .

  25. 女性实现这一飞跃尤其困难:女性占美国专业岗位的一半以上,但她们只占中层管理人员的34%、高层管理人员的14%,在CEO中的比例更是只有4%。

    Women have particular trouble making the leap : while women hold over half of the professional jobs in the U.S. , they only make up 34 % of middle managers , 14 % of executive officers , and a mere 4 % of CEOs .

  26. 这是美国政府应对全球信贷危机的最新重大干预行动。根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员,但目前尚未提名。

    Under the plan , the latest dramatic intervention by the US government to combat the global credit crisis , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives - as yet unnamed - will be appointed .

  27. Anham的高层管理人员是美国人。他们周一说,没有人通知他们调查的事。

    Anham 's top executives , who are American , said Monday that they hadn 't been notified of the investigation .

  28. 英国金融服务管理局在其通报中称,在此期间,针对有关巴克莱提交的Libor高于平均(这表明其它银行向巴克莱放贷的风险较高)的媒体报道,该行一些高层管理人员表示关切。

    During that period , senior Barclays managers expressed concern about media reports noting that Barclays ' Libor submissions were higher than average – suggesting it was a riskier proposition for other banks looking to lend money , the FSA said in its notice .

  29. 巴西投资银行百达集团(BTGPactual)的高层管理人员们做好了控制损失的准备。该行的前首席执行官安德烈·埃斯特维斯(AndréEsteves)正在接受腐败调查。

    Ready to engage in some damage control will be the top executives at BTG Pactual , the Brazilian investment bank whose former chief executive , Andr é Esteves , is under investigation for corruption .

  30. 普华永道(pricewaterhousecoopers)会计事务所在3月份公布的一项报告中称,2002年以来排名ftse前350位的企业中女性高层管理人员数量下降了40%。

    They are also under-represented in the upper echelons of management . In a report in March , PricewaterhouseCoopers , an accountancy firm , said that the number of female senior managers in ftse-350 firms had fallen by 40 % since 2002 .