
ɡuǎn lǐ ɡù wèn
  • management consultant
  1. RomanPichler,管理顾问,精益思想和Scrum专家。

    Roman Pichler works as a management consultant specialized in Lean Thinking and Scrum .

  2. 实习生不再做可有可无的事,管理顾问和行政人员教练MarcDorio说。

    Internships arent about busywork anymore , says management consultant and executive coach Marc Dorio .

  3. 该党的领导层正在管理顾问的帮助下筹备下一届的选举。

    The Party leadership is using management consultants to help prepare for the next election

  4. 他拒绝了管理顾问们的建议。

    He spurned the advice of management consultants

  5. 在今年一项对11,500名学生进行的调查中,管理顾问是首选职业。

    Management consultancy was the top choice of career among 11,500 students in a survey this year

  6. 管理顾问常用这个词来表达他们要deliver(交付)的某个替代report的东西。

    Used by management consultants for something that they will deliver instead of a report .

  7. 管理顾问常用这个词来表达他们要“deliver(交付)”的某个替代report的东西。

    Used by management consultants for something that they will " deliver " instead of a report .

  8. SAM公司值班花名册注册管理顾问公司名单

    SAM shift roster registered list of management consultants

  9. 睿仕管理顾问公司(RightManagement)最近进行的调查显示,92%的受访员工在过去五年里的工作压力大于经济衰退之前。

    Let 's say that you -- like 92 % of employees surveyed in a recent poll from consultant Right Management -- have been more stressed out at work over the past five years than you were before the recession .

  10. 史宾沙管理顾问公司(SpencerStuart)的猎头詹姆士•西特林(JamesCitrin)补充称,工程师擅长‘架构性思维’和解决逻辑问题。

    Spencer Stuart headhunter James Citrin adds that engineers excel at ' architectural thinking ' and logical problem solving .

  11. 曾经担任福特(Ford)和波音(Boeing)首席执行官的艾伦o穆拉利加入谷歌董事会,出任佩奇的新一任首席管理顾问,这种安排出于何种考虑?

    On former Ford and Boeing CEO Alan Mulally , Google 's newest board member , who has become Page 's latest go-to advisor on management issues :

  12. 介绍了基于Internet/Intranet的企业管理顾问系统设计思想,该系统将web功能和管理咨询相结合,可实现网络化咨询功能,员工自学习功能和员工自测功能,是现代企业进行咨询和培训的理想工具。

    This paper introduces the thoughts of the system for enterprise management consultant based on internet / intranet . This system includes consultant on web , employee learning themselves , employee examining themselves . It is an ideal tool for the enterprise to consult and train .

  13. 此外,美国运通还为SPG聘请了多位前管理顾问,以丰富团队的行业经验。

    American Express also hires many former management consultants to work at SPG , giving the group industry experience .

  14. 据理特管理顾问公司(ArthurD.Little)称,在福岛核事故之前计划兴建的570个核电机组中,只有37个在危机爆发后被取消或暂停。

    Of 570 units planned before Fukushima , only 37 have been axed or put on hold since the crisis , according to Arthur D. Little , a consultancy .

  15. 据猎头公司史宾沙管理顾问公司(spencerstuart)称,去年标准普尔500指数(s&p500)成分股公司新任首席执行官的年龄中值是52岁。

    According to Spencer Stuart , the head-hunting firm , the median age of new CEOs of S & P 500 companies last year was 52 .

  16. 当乌尔维?班达里(UrviBhandare)决定离开家乡孟买、前往海外攻读MBA的时候,这位23岁的管理顾问首先想到的是申请一所美国一流学院。

    When Urvi Bhandare decided to leave her native Mumbai to study for an MBA overseas , the 23-year-old management consultant 's first instinct was to apply for one of the top US schools .

  17. 史宾沙管理顾问公司(SpencerStuart)的猎头詹姆士•西特林(JamesCitrin)补充称,工程师“擅长‘架构性思维’和解决逻辑问题。”我们听过太多关于未来的豪言壮语了。

    Spencer Stuart headhunter James Citrin adds that engineers " excel at ' architectural thinking " and logical problem solving . " So much for visionary rhetoric .

  18. 一些资深会计师本以为,在猎头公司史宾沙管理顾问公司(spencerstuart)发起一轮招募活动后,人选会在今年7月份举行的iasb理事会会议上宣布。

    Some senior accountants had expected an announcement in July at a meeting of the IASB trustees following a recruitment drive led by headhunters Spencer Stuart .

  19. 管理顾问赫尔曼•西蒙(HermanSimon)表示:这是德国企业的关键考验之一:他们能否使国际管理人员融入公司?

    Herman Simon , a management consultant , said : It is one of the key tests for German groups : can they bind their international managers into the companies ?

  20. PAconsulting的IT风险管理顾问鲁珀特查普曼(RupertChapman)表示:他们发现这些系统无法胜任工作,确实需要改变。

    Rupert Chapman , an IT risk management consultant at PA Consulting , said : They 've found that the systems were not up for the job and there is a real case for change .

  21. 毕马威业绩与技术业务主管斯科特帕克(ScottParker)表示,市场一直起伏不定,一些经济部门在雇用管理顾问,另一些经济部门则在继续解聘管理顾问。

    Scott Parker , head of performance and technology at KPMG , says the market has been a rollercoaster , with some sectors of the economy hiring management consultants , as others continue to axe them .

  22. 纽约市长迈克尔•布隆博格(MichaelBloomberg)对伦敦金融城的发展非常关注,还任命了管理顾问研究这一问题。他曾于9月份表示:从长期角度看,纽约的主要竞争对手是伦敦。

    Michael Bloomberg , New York 's mayor , has become so concerned at London 's growth that he has appointed management consultants to look at the problem . Long-term , the city 's main competitor is London , he said in September .

  23. 专业服务公司毕马威(KPMG)的客户和渠道管理顾问大卫霍奇金森(DavidHodgkinson)也认同这一点,即:如果谨慎行事,那么,即便是零售银行业这样受到严格控制的行业也可以使用Twitter。

    David Hodgkinson , an adviser on customer and channel management at KPMG , the professional services firm , agrees that even tightly controlled industries such as retail banking can use Twitter , if they do so with care .

  24. 如果最近所说的剩余的两人也已经死亡,那么他们努力保护的最后一人的处境也不得而知。最后一人名叫PeterMoore,今年36岁,是一名电脑讲师,在驻伊拉克美国管理顾问部门Bearingpoint工作。

    If this latest claim that the two remaining guards are also dead , that would leave only the He is 36-year-old Peter Moore , a computer instructor working for the U.S. management consultancy Bearingpoint in Iraq .

  25. 长沙蓝海管理顾问有限公司发展战略研究

    The Research on the Development Strategy of Changsha Blue Ocean Company

  26. 伊恩:我是用后即弃废物的资深管理顾问。

    Ian : I 'm a senior disposable waste management consultant .

  27. A管理顾问公司员工激励机制研究

    The Research of Employees ' Motivation of A Management Consulting Company

  28. 她在一家设计公司做管理顾问。

    She works as a management consultant for a design company .

  29. 然后,他开始从事管理顾问工作,深入研究人力资源。

    He then moved to management consultancy , specialising in human resources .

  30. 我们的物业管理顾问服务有那些特色?

    Property management consultancy services , we have those characteristics ?