
  • 网络Management Ethics;Ethics in Management;business ethics
  1. 管理伦理学的学科结构和发展对策

    Discipline Structure and Its Development Strategies of Management Ethics

  2. 关于后工业社会的治理模式兼评张康之的《公共管理伦理学》

    Social Governing Pattern of Postindustrial Society & On Public Management Ethics by Zhang Kangzhi ;

  3. 国内公共管理伦理学研究综述

    Overviews of the Domestic Study on the Ethics of Public Management

  4. 公共管理伦理学:伦理研究的一个新领域

    Pubic Administrative Ethics : The New Field of Ethics Study

  5. 新兴的学科:公共管理伦理学

    Ethics of Public Administration : a New Subject

  6. 伦理学是一门历史悠久的学科,但公共管理伦理学则是一门新兴的学科。

    Ethics is a subject of long standing , but ethics of public administration is a new subject .

  7. 管理伦理学是介于管理科学与伦理学之间的边缘学科,至今已有约80年的孕育发展史。

    Management ethics is a borderline discipline between management science and ethics which has about eighty year 's history up to now .

  8. 剖析社会治理研究中的一个分析框架&从《公共管理伦理学》看坚持马克思主义的学术创新方向

    Interpreting an Analysis Framework of Research in Social Governing & A Review of ETHICS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION with Respect to Marxist Academic Innovation

  9. 管理伦理学是应用伦理学的一个分支,是管理学与伦理学交叉研究的一个崭新课题。

    Management ethics is a branch of applied ethics and it is a new subject on the overlapping parts between administration and ethics .

  10. 张康之教授在《公共管理伦理学》一书中提出了一个具有一定解释力的分析框架,对“公共管理运动”作出了一种尝试性的解读。

    In his work ETHICS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION , Professor Zhang Kangzhi proposed an analysis framework and applied it to " movement of public administration " .

  11. 为了推进管理伦理学学科体系的有序演进,今后一个时期必须关注内涵与外延、收敛与发散等多个发展方向,自觉而积极地实施一系列发展对策。

    For the further developing the discipline of management ethics in orderly way , we must pay close attention to the discipline evolving directions such as intension and extension , convergence and divergence , and carry out a series of developing strategies actively and consciously .

  12. ICU病房管理的伦理学问题

    Ethics Problems in Administration of ICU

  13. 北京奥运知识产权管理的伦理学思考

    Ethic research on the management of Beijing Olympic knowledge rights

  14. 对健康档案网络化管理的伦理学思考

    Ethical Considerations centered upon Network Management of Health Record

  15. 加强基层卫生院护理管理工作的伦理学研究

    Strengthen the Ethical Research on Nursing Management at Grass-Roots Healthcare Centers

  16. 公共伦理是管理学和伦理学发展到一定阶段的必然产物,同时也是管理和伦理具有内在统一性,管理呼吁与伦理相结合的理论要求的体现。

    The public ethics is an inevitable result that management science and ethics have developed to a given stage .

  17. 伦理经营观念是企业经营哲学历史发展的逻辑结论,也是企业伦理学家们对市场经济条件下企业经营管理活动的伦理学总结。

    The idea of running an enterprise ethically is the logical result of the philosophical history of enterprises as well as that of ethicists ' ethical sum-up of the managing activities of enterprises .

  18. 所以,管理不能回避伦理学问题,伦理思想对于管理一直具有指导意义,当代社会发展过程中更为明显。

    Therefore , management can not avoid the ethical problem ; while ethics always has a guiding significance for management , which is more obvious in the process of the development of contemporary society .

  19. 利益相关者理论则是贯穿于经济学、管理学、伦理学等学科的崭新研究领域,学者将其与企业社会责任结合起来,使企业社会责任进入了一个崭新的发展阶段。

    Stakeholder theory throughout the research areas of economics , management , ethics and other disciplines , scholars combine it and corporate social responsibility , which made corporate social responsibility going into a new stage of development .

  20. 论作为职业活动的公共管理&公共管理伦理学视角中的公共管理活动伦理学视角下政府救助弱势群体的原因分析

    On Public Administration by Way of Occupational Activities Reasons the Government Gives Assistance to the Underprivileged Group

  21. 医院感染管理中开展医学伦理学教育的现状及意义

    Understanding of Developing CME Trainning Course ; Medicine Ethics Education in Nosocomial Infection Management : Present Situation and Significance

  22. 分析了管理伦理与一般伦理学和管理心理学的关系,指出管理具有伦理特性、伦理具有管理功能;

    The paper analyses the relation among the managerial ethics , general ethics and managerial psychology and points out that management has ethical features ; ethics has managerial functions ;

  23. 在危机传播的理论探讨层面,本文首次引入管理决策学和伦理学的相关理论,对危机情境及其影响因素进行了界定与分析,并探索性地构建了危机传播的决策系统模型。

    The attribution for the theory-study is that this paper first brings in related theories of decision and ethic , which supplies a gap of the traditional principle study of crisis communication .

  24. 目前,企业诚信问题已经在经济学、管理学、企业伦理学等不同领域和研究视角下取得了新的进展,但这些理论比较分散,缺乏整合;

    At present , enterprise has already study sincerity issue in such different field as economics , business administration , ethnics from different visual angle and makes new progress , but has not still study enterprise 's sincerity behavior systematically .

  25. 管理伦理是管理学和伦理学交叉研究的一个崭新课题。

    Management ethics is a new subject on the cross-study of management science and ethics .

  26. 最后,介绍高校道德管理的理论来源:管理伦理学和我国传统的伦理思想。

    At last , this part introduces the source of theory ethic management in university which concludes ethic management and traditional ethic .

  27. 基于战略管理、经济学、管理学、伦理学、社会学、法学等多种学科理论,提出了三位一体动态协同培育企业社会责任竞争力的路径与策略。

    Based on the strategic management , economics , management , ethics , sociology , law and other disciplines theory , put forward the trinity dynamic collaborative path and strategy to foster and enhance CSR competitiveness . 4 .