
  • 网络management game
  1. 这个最新的时间管理游戏是注定要成为经典之作。

    This latest time management game is destined to be a classic .

  2. 这都是你在小酒馆大道,一个有趣的时间管理游戏!

    It 's all you to up in Bistro Boulevard , a fun Time Management game !

  3. 在您的游戏列表,点击“管理游戏”星际争霸II测试下的图像按钮,下载安装程序。

    In your list of games , click the " Manage Game " button under the StarCraft II beta image to download the installer .

  4. MG即ManagementGame,该管理游戏由美国卡耐基·梅隆大学组织发起,模拟了世界腕表产业的经营环境,由多国的MBA学员组队参与。

    MG namely Management Game , the game from the United States Carnegie . Mellon University initiated , simulates the world watch industry operating environment , a multi-national team of MBA students participation .

  5. 你必需前往深山,寻求龙守护者的帮助。这是一款有趣又刺激的时间管理游戏!

    Travel deep into the mountains and find help in Dragon Keeper , a fun and exciting Time Management game !

  6. 作者还指出了制作人在游戏行业中应该理解的尺度,以更好地管理游戏的开发。

    The author also addresses the degree to which producers must understand the game industry per se in order to successfully manage a game 's development .

  7. 如果你是棒球迷,你在OSX平台是这对你是一个游戏。10日化身“出了公园棒球”-棒球管理模拟游戏。

    If you are fan of baseball and you 're on OSX platform this is a game for you.10th incarnation of " Out Of The Park Baseball " - baseball management simulation game .

  8. 网络游戏是当今的朝阳产业,在网络游戏中角色状态管理成为游戏开发的重点和难点。

    Online game is a prosperous industry nowadays , and the role state management in it becomes the emphasis and difficulty of game development .

  9. 其中还带有Silverlight和WPF示例,像联系人管理器和游戏库。

    It also comes with Silverlight and WPF samples such as a Contact Manager and a Game Library .

  10. 安装、管理或删除游戏之前进行通知

    " Notify before installing , managing , or removing games "

  11. 这是所有管理期望票房游戏的一部分。

    It 's all part of the box office game of managing expectations .

  12. 但是一旦高盛加入风险管理这项游戏,它就稳定地积累了市场知识。

    But once it joined the risk-management game , Goldman steadily accumulated market nous .

  13. 最好的游戏世界经理:这个名单内的高层管理人员的游戏世界,而且他的俱乐部纪录;

    Best Game World Managers : This lists the top managers within the Game World , and also his club record ;

  14. 这49个非法游戏均为国产,有多样的主题,包括:犯罪调查、足球队管理和幻想游戏。

    The49 illegal games , all homebred , are of various themes including crime investigation , football team management and fantasy games .

  15. 清单管理是许多视频游戏都有的一个部分。

    Inventory management is a common part of many video games .

  16. 在管理学科教学中游戏教学方式尝试

    Experiments with Teaching Management Courses through Games

  17. 第一件事,我登入账号管理页面停止了游戏的付款。

    First of all , I took the time to log onto the account management page and discontinue my payment plan .

  18. 资源管理系统是现在游戏引擎中必不可少的一部分,它负责游戏资源的相关处理。

    Resource Management System ( R.M.S ) is now an essential part of the game engine , which is responsible for dealing with related resources .

  19. 不过,一项新的研究表明,玩战略性电脑游戏例如那些强调资源管理和规划的游戏可能有助于老年人保持智力,包括记忆、推理和多任务处理能力等。

    New research , however , suggests that playing strategic video games those that emphasise resource management and planning , for example may help the elderly to maintain mental abilities including memory , reasoning and the capacity for multi-tasking .

  20. MG(ManagementGame)是美国卡内基梅隆大学开设的企业管理高级课程,它以交互式管理游戏的形式模拟世界腕表产业的经营。

    MG ( Management Game ), the United States set up at Carnegie Mellon University senior business management courses , it has the form of an interactive management game simulation World watch industry business .

  21. 战略管理,包括参与战略规划和收益管理&博弈游戏的发展、游戏玩法的新规则、联盟的发展。

    Strategic management , including participation in strategic planning and benefits management – game development , new rules of play , league development .

  22. 包括西班牙IE商学院(IEBusinessSchool)和麻省理工斯隆管理学院(MITSloanSchoolofManagement)在内的其他商学院,通过管理模拟器引入视频游戏,帮助学生将新概念和观点付诸实施。

    Other schools , including IE Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management , use video games in the form of management simulators to help students practise new concepts and ideas .