
  • LEGO;Legoland;LEGO Harry Potter
  1. 新成立LegoBrandGroup可以让乐高完全专注塑料积木业务。

    The split will allow Lego to concentrate purely on plastic bricks .

  2. 索尼PS控制器iPod/iPhone支架乐高积木版iPhone支架

    Sony Playstation Controller iPod / iPhone Dock Rotating LEGO iPhone Dock

  3. Michael的激情通过Play游戏,释放了创意,并获得突破性结果。除了多种游戏和模拟活动外,他还接受了乐高的Lego?

    Michael 's passion unleashing creativity and achieve breakthrough results through Play .

  4. 社交网络公司Facebook、电子商务巨头亚马逊和玩具公司乐高则是品牌价值增幅最大的企业。

    Social network Facebook Inc. , e-commerce giant Amazon and toy company Lego were the top-growing brands .

  5. 一座新的总部正在建设,还有一座展示乐高品牌的、建筑风格令人印象深刻的LegoHouse。

    A new headquarters is being built , and an architecturally impressive Lego House to show off the brand .

  6. 乐高积木由ABS塑料制成,在写这篇文章时这种材料的成本约为每千克1美元。

    Lego bricks are made of ABS plastic , which costs about a dollar per kilogram at the time of this writing .

  7. 如今,乐高密切关注Twitter上的公众舆论,克努斯托普亲自回答孩子和家长们发来的部分信件。

    Lego now follows popular opinion closely on Twitter and Mr Knudstorp personally answers some letters sent in by children and parents .

  8. 乐高(Lego)3年前开始在店铺中使用现实增强技术。

    Lego began using augmented reality in its stores three years ago .

  9. 在担任这家玩具制造商董事长的同时,他将执掌新成立的LegoBrandGroup——汇集创始家族与乐高相关的所有利益的一个实体。

    As well as being chairman of the toymaker , he will head the new Lego Brand Group , an entity that pools all the founding family 's Lego-related interests .

  10. 我在我的孩子们身上看到了这种本能&当他们用乐高(Lego)玩具搭建起微型世界的时候。

    I see the instinct in my children , when they construct miniature worlds with Lego sets .

  11. 乐高积木公司(LEGO)的高管也在利用网络社区为公司产品搜集创意。

    At Lego , executives are using their online communities to generate new ideas for Lego sets .

  12. 吉姆巴顿自打开始玩林肯积木(LincolnLog)和乐高(Lego)时就喜欢上家装设计了。

    Jim Barton had loved home design for as long as he could remember , as far back as when he played with Lincoln Logs and Legos .

  13. 但克努斯托普绝非天真浪漫,他还为乐高带来了自己身为麦肯锡(McKinsey)咨询顾问的大量专业背景。

    But Mr Knudstorp is no wide-eyed romantic . He also brought to Lego much of his professional background as a McKinsey consultant .

  14. 在迎合高端市场的天猫网站上,各品牌直接面向消费者销售。微软(Microsoft)、乐高(Lego)和彪马(Puma)等大公司均在天猫上设有官方店铺。

    Tmall , its upscale website where brands sell directly to consumers , hosts portals for big companies like Microsoft , Lego and Puma .

  15. 然后,我们开始到地板上玩乐高(Lego)积木,我们的文化就是这么做的。

    Then we get on the floor and play Legos , which is what we do in our culture .

  16. 程序员赫尔曼制作出了一台迷你Mac,他用乐高做了这台微型苹果电脑的外壳,内置树莓派Zero作为主机系统,并用电子纸屏幕作显示器,而且它竟然真的可以用。

    Programmer Jannis Hermanns create this tiny Macintosh Classic using a Raspberry Pi Zero , an e-paper display , and of course , Lego , and , believe it or not , it works !

  17. 乐高销售额自2007年以来增长了近两倍,成为按营收额计算的全球第二大玩具制造商,仅次于美泰(Mattel)。

    Legos sales have almost tripled since 2007 , making it the worlds second-largest toymaker by revenues behind Mattel .

  18. 乐高大桥Q.要想用乐高积木搭一座连接纽约和伦敦的大桥需要多少积木?

    LEGO BRIDGE Q. How many Lego bricks would it take to build a bridge capable of carrying traffic from London to New York ?

  19. 有科技含量的展品比较出类拔萃:如由乐高积木拼成的壁画和“失落大学”(LostUniversity,迪士尼旗下的ABC电视网主打电视节目的网络衍生剧集)都大受喜爱。

    Some exhibits were better than others ( a shout-out to the the Lego mural and booth for " Lost University , " a clever new online spin-off of the hit TV show on Disney 's ABC network . )

  20. 而约尔根.维格.克努斯托普(JørgenVigKnudstorp)过去12年在乐高(Lego)就做到了。但很少有人两样都能达成,而约尔根.维格.克努斯托普(JørgenVigKnudstorp)过去12年在乐高(Lego)就做到了。

    But few , like Jorgen Vig Knudstorp at Lego in the past 12 years , do both .

  21. 在新上映的《乐高大电影》(LegoMovie)中,弗里曼为维特鲁威(Vitruvius)配音,这位盲人乐高先知在本片中有很多滑稽的台词。

    In the new Lego Movie , Freeman voices Vitruvius , a blind Lego guru who has his share of silly lines .

  22. 根据英国广播公司(BBC)的研究结果,如果你把2×2的乐高积木一块一块往上叠,需要叠25万块积木才能让最下面那块积木崩溃。9

    according to a BBC investigation , you could stack a quarter of a million 2x2 bricks on top of each other before the bottom one collapsed . 9

  23. 因在乐高好朋友(LegoFriends)系列中为女孩推出粉红色玩具而成为性别抗议人士攻击的对象,并被迫停止与遭到公众抗议的荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)、《每日邮报》(DailyMail)等公司的合作。

    has been the butt of gender protests over pink toys for girls in the Lego Friends range , and stopped collaborations with Royal Dutch Shell and the Daily Mail newspaper after those companies faced public protests .

  24. 人们普遍认为,乐高在征服数字世界时原本应该制作出《我的世界》这样的游戏,但乐高自己的开发计划,即《乐高宇宙》(LegoUniverse),却没有取得成功。

    Minecraft is widely seen as the game the Danish toymaker should have made in its attempt to conquer the digital world but its own plan , Lego Universe , flopped .

  25. 杜兰商学院的乐高项目就是一个例子,英格兰的华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)最近上演的莎士比亚(Shakespeare)剧作《皆大欢喜》(AsYouLikeIt)也是如此,该舞台剧旨在让学生们接触到复杂的决策和创造性思维。

    The Lego project at Dolan School of Business is one example , as is the recent staging by England 's Warwick Business School of Shakespeare 's As You Like It , designed to expose students to complex decision-taking and creative thinking .

  26. 拥有乐高乐园(Legoland)是件好事。

    It is a wonderful thing to have Legoland [ the theme park ] .

  27. 事实上,ReD等集团称,人类学家如今在越来越多的公司中崭露头角,比如三星(Samsung)、阿迪达斯(Adidas)、嘉士伯(Carlsberg)、乐高(Lego)等。

    Indeed , groups such as ReD say anthropologists are now cropping up in an increasing range of companies , such as Samsung , Adidas , Carlsberg , Lego and so on .

  28. 他们可能只是像在乐高乐园(legoland)那样快乐(和更为清醒)吗?

    Might they have been just as happy ( and more awake ) at Legoland ?

  29. 但其他企业如电梯制造商通力集团(kone)和玩具制造商乐高(lego)也表示,设计对于它们在全球的吸引力举足轻重。

    But other companies such as KONE , the Finnish liftmaker , or Lego , the toymaker also say design is crucial to their global appeal .

  30. 尽管建造乐高(Lego)摩天大楼通常不是MBA的议程,但美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德大学杜兰商学院(FairfieldUniversity’sDolanSchoolofBusiness)的学生们将在今年秋季打破陈规,作为推动跨学科学习的努力的一部分。

    While building Lego skyscrapers is not usually on the MBA agenda , students at Fairfield University 's Dolan School of Business in Connecticut will break out the bricks this autumn as part of efforts to promote cross-disciplinary learning .