
  • 网络Oxfam;Oxfam Hong Kong;oxfam uk
  1. 您还将随时获得乐施会在当地的最新活动信息。

    You 'll also be kept in touch with local Oxfam events .

  2. 乐施会也会帮助运送难民。

    Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees .

  3. 所有展品都将出售,收入由乐施会和艺术家平分。

    All exhibits are for sale , the proceeds being split between Oxfam and the artist .

  4. 乐施会的一项调查揭示,成千上万的女性正饱受“穿衣重样综合症”的困扰。在调查的2000名女性中,有46%表示自己穿最喜欢的派对装不会超过五次。

    A survey carried out by Oxfam has revealed that thousands of women are suffering from so-called ' Outfit more than five times .

  5. 乐施会的一名发言人称:“出席派对穿同一套礼服的日子已经宣告终结。随着社交媒体用户的增加,‘穿衣重样综合症’的患者也在增加。”

    A spokesperperson for Oxfam said : ' The days of the staple party dress are officially over . As social media usage increases , so does ORS . '

  6. 统一行动、乐施会、拯救儿童基金会、RESULTS以及许多其他民间社会团体都在呼吁终结贫困。

    The One campaign , Oxfam , Save the Children , RESULTS , and many other civil society groups are calling for an end to poverty .

  7. 乐施会遵从兵库县行动纲领(HyogoFrameworkforAction)的五项原则

    Oxfam also draws on the five principles of the Hyogo Framework for Action in its Disaster Risk Reduction work

  8. 与此同时,包括位于香港的乐施会(Oxfam)和红十字会(RedCross)在内的救援组织已开始为风暴受灾者筹集捐款。

    Meanwhile , aid groups , including Oxfam and the Red Cross in Hong Kong , have begun to collect donations for the storm victims .

  9. 2004/05年度进行的一次外界评估,建议我们扩展服务规模,因而乐施会也在东开普省(EasternCape)开展了工作。

    An external evaluation conducted in2004 / 2005 recommended that we scale-up the programme , and we have begun working in Eastern Cape , too .

  10. 联合国和救助机构乐施会(Oxfam)帮助灾民临时转移到操场上。

    The United Nations and the aid group helped resettle people temporarily in schoolyards .

  11. 乐施会访问了一位村民,他说自己并不懂得任何ODu歌谣,而族里亦只有六、七位长者能操流利的ODu语。

    One villager interviewed by Oxfam Hong Kong said he knows no traditional song and that only six or seven elderly men can speak the O Du mother tongue fluently .

  12. 慈善组织乐施会(oxfam)把这次会议称为“在减少世界饥饿这一目标的棺材上钉上又一个钉子”。

    The charity Oxfam called the meeting " another nail in the coffin of the goal to reduce world hunger " .

  13. 经验丰富的的联合国谈判观察人士、乐施会(Oxfam)的蒂姆戈尔(TimGore)表示:这些不是空洞的威胁,而是严肃的要求。

    These are not idle threats , these are serious demands , said Tim Gore of Oxfam , an experienced observer of the UN talks .

  14. 后来在一次周末远足时,我遇到一位乐施会捐款者TinaWu&对了,我应该为乐施会工作!

    Then during a weekend hike , I met an Oxfam Hong Kong donor named Tina Wu . Yes , I would try to work with Oxfam !

  15. 发电马桶是布里斯托尔的西英格兰大学与乐施会(Oxfam)的研究人员们共同合作取得的成果。

    The urinal is the result of a partnership between researchers at the University of the West of England in Bristol and Oxfam .

  16. 中国和巴西提出批评之际,乐施会(Oxfam)表示,巴西也应开始向较贫穷国家提供资金,尽管它被联合国认定为发展中国家。

    The criticisms came as Oxfam said that Brazil should also start channelling money to poorer countries , despite being deemed a developing country by the UN .

  17. 我还记得,自己最初与这些成衣公司会面时,公司的代表差不多一定会问:为甚么乐施会要做关于企业社会责任(CSR)的工作,更特别关注成衣业?

    I remember when I first started meeting with the companies . I was almost always asked why Oxfam is working on corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) with the garment sector in particular .

  18. 国际乐施会多年来努力透过公平贸易运动,让所有人有公平获取药物的权利,Eufemia婆婆和Jose爷爷的行动,令我们极为鼓舞。

    They have also been an inspiration for all of us at Oxfam International , which has been working on fair access to medicine through the Make Trade Fair campaign for years .

  19. 英国乐施会(Oxfam)估计,1400万印度儿童从未受过教育,而初等教育的退学率在2004年时高达38%。

    Oxfam estimated that 14 million Indian children were not going to school at all and the drop-out rate in primary education was 38 per cent in 2004 .

  20. 国际乐施会的报告由英国乐施会研究及政策顾问BethanEmmett撰写;

    The Oxfam International report was written by Bethan Emmett , Research and Policy Advisor with Oxfam Great Britain .

  21. 乐施会从1970年代末期开始支援印度的扶贫项目,支持IDF的工作已有多年。

    Oxfam Hong Kong has supported the work of Integrated Development Foundation for several years and has been supporting anti-poverty programmes across India since the late1970s .

  22. 总部位于英国的发展慈善团体&乐施会(Oxfam)表示,美国改革涉及的计划,在该国2.5万棉花生产者得到的补贴中仅占10%。

    According to Oxfam , the UK-based development charity , the US reforms touch programmes accounting for 10 per cent of the subsidies received by its 25,000 cotton producers .

  23. 但是,乐施会(Oxfam)气候变化政策顾问蒂姆戈尔(TimGore)称,对于一项应该作为全球应对气候变化的长期协议来说,该条款不够理想。

    But that is not good enough for an agreement that is supposed to be an enduring global response to climate change , said Tim Gore , climate change policy adviser at Oxfam .

  24. NavinVasudev在南非负责管理乐施会项目。

    Navin Vasudev manages Oxfam Hong Kong 's programme in Southern Africa .

  25. 慈善机构乐施会(Oxfam)周一发布的一份研究报告称,明年世界上最富有的1%人口,很可能将控制一半以上的全球财富。

    The richest 1 percent are likely to control more than half of the globe 's total wealth by next year , the charity Oxfam reported in a study released on Monday .

  26. 在GRI成立初期,国际乐施会已经是组织性持份者,现在我们是GRI「相关持份者议会」成员。

    Oxfam International has been an organisational stakeholder since the early days of GRI , and we are a member of its Stakeholder Council .

  27. 慈善组织乐施会(Oxfam)的这一研究发现将为达沃斯论坛增添讨论话题。此前达沃斯论坛已经面临压力,要求其解释不同国家的不同经济前景,以及一个国家内部不同人群的经济前景。

    The finding , from the charity Oxfam , will add spice to a gathering that is already under pressure to explain the divergent economic outlook for different nations , and among different groups within them .

  28. 乐施会(Oxfam)昨日表示,东非地区逾2300万人正面临严重饥饿,这是该地区10年来最严重的人道主义危机。目前援助机构正艰难筹集资金提供粮食援助。

    More than 23m people across east Africa are facing severe hunger amid the worst humanitarian crisis in the region for 10 years , Oxfam said yesterday , as aid agencies struggle to raise the funds to feed them .

  29. 多年以来,穷国的政府及发达国家的发展运动拥护者如乐施会(Oxfam)一直在极力抱怨,生产过剩及美欧农产品的倾销打压了穷国的农产品收购价格。

    For years , governments of poor countries , and their champions in the rich world 's development campaigns such as Oxfam , have been complaining bitterly that farm-gate prices have been driven down by overproduction and dumping by US and European farmers .

  30. 西班牙乐施会(Oxfam)的一篇报告显示,如果不扭转当前政策,西班牙低于贫困线以下的人口比例可能在十年内从27%升至40%。

    A report by Oxfam in Spain says that if the current policies are not reversed , Spain could see an increase in the percentage of the population below the poverty line from 27 per cent to 40 per cent in a decade .