
  • 网络Lego
  1. 乐高公司正在提供一个成为“乐高建筑大师”的机会。

    Lego offer the opportunity to become a Master Lego Builder .

  2. 乐高公司表示,该公司将放手乐高主题乐园事业,以便专心制造玩具,乐高主题乐园将让渡给有意创造一个庞大家庭娱乐集团的投资人。

    LEGO said that it was leaving its Legoland theme parks business to concentrate on construction toys , ceding its theme parks to investors intending to create a giant family entertainment group .

  3. For-Site的海恩斯女士在这个项目中起到了关键作用,她筹集了350万美元的经费,主要是来自私人,其中46万美元来自乐高公司。

    Ms. Haines of For-Site played a critical role in the project , raising $ 3.5 million from mainly private sources to cover expenses , including $ 460,000 for Legos .

  4. 不过,几年前乐高公司曾经命悬一发。

    Yet a couple of years ago the company 's very survival was at risk .

  5. 地下室的历史收集区将展示乐高公司的历史,而最顶层则是杰作陈列室。

    The company 's story will be told in the history collection located in the basement , while the masterpiece gallery will be located at the uppermost level .

  6. 乐高积木公司(LEGO)的高管也在利用网络社区为公司产品搜集创意。

    At Lego , executives are using their online communities to generate new ideas for Lego sets .

  7. 用视频会议取代现场面试,人事经理和招聘人员就能更快地安排首轮面试,,这样一来既能节省交通成本,同时也加快整个面试程序。上海乐高有限公司人力资源总监陈长青(音译)说。

    Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first-round interviews more quickly , save on transportation costs , and make the process much faster by using video conferencing rather than scheduling in-person interviews , said Chen Changqing , HR director at Lego Co Ltd in Shanghai .