
  • 网络letv;Lets
  1. 两大互联网公司—乐视TV和腾讯也紧随潮流,分别建立了自己的体育公司。

    Two other internet companies LeTV and Tencent jumped on the bandwagon by establishing respective sports Companies as well .

  2. 乐视汽车部门发言人未回答记者提出的问题,建议记者去问Faraday。

    A spokesman for his auto division referred questions to Faraday .

  3. 乐视的优势在于获得其内容,包括Netflix的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)等外国电视连续剧。

    Letv 's advantage is its access to content , including foreign television series such as Netflix 's House of Cards .

  4. 乐视此前与阿斯顿氠丁(AstonMartin)合作推出了车载“信息娱乐”系统。

    Letv has previously partnered with Aston Martin on in-car " infotainment " systems .

  5. 今年2月,乐视与阿斯顿.马丁(AstonMartin)达成协议,建立一家合资企业制造一款电动汽车。

    In February , LeEco agreed with Aston Martin a joint venture to build an electric vehicle .

  6. Faraday已筹集数亿美元资金,几乎完全来自乐视。

    Faraday has raised hundreds of millions of dollars in funding , almost exclusively from LeEco .

  7. 尽管乐视电动车未能现身舞台,贾跃亭透露法拉第未来或许会在1月份消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上发布首款量产电动车。

    Despite LeEco 's own car failing to appear on stage , Mr Jia revealed that Faraday Future would perhaps unveil its first production car in January at the Consumer Electronics Show .

  8. 乐视推出了乐1、乐1Pro和乐Max三款智能手机。乐视经营着中国较为知名的视频播放网站之一。

    The company , which runs one of China 's better known video streaming websites , launched the Le1 , Le1 Pro and LeMax smartphones .

  9. 乐视对苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)、三星(Samsung)和亚马逊(Amazon)形成全面挑战,该公司声称自己与众不同的地方是让用户在由其各种设备构成的整个生态系统中拥有无缝链接的体验。

    With its broad challenge to Apple , Google , Samsung and Amazon , LeEco claims that its differentiator is providing a consistent experience across its ecosystem of devices .

  10. 上周,乐视宣布,贾跃亭以前的一些MBA同学同意为该公司提供6亿美元的新融资。

    Last week , LeEco announced that a group of Mr Jia 's former MBA classmates had agreed to contribute $ 600m in new financing for the company .

  11. FaradayFuture还在周一宣布了与乐视的合伙关系。乐视是中国一家互联网和视频内容提供商,同时还推出了智能手机以及可观看这些内容的网络电视机。

    On Monday , Faraday also announced its partnership with Letv , which offers internet and video content in China as well as smartphones and connected television sets on which to watch it .

  12. 乐视在过去一个月里还发布了新的智能手机、智能电视、虚拟现实头盔及配备可使用Android系统的触摸屏的“超级自行车”。

    In the past month , the group has also revealed a new smartphone , smart TV , virtual reality headset and " super bike " with an Android-enabled touchscreen .

  13. 贾跃亭是Faraday的最大投资者,还在乐视内部管理一个独立的电动汽车项目——乐视超级汽车(LeSEE)。

    As well as being the largest backer at Faraday , Mr Jia runs a separate electric vehicle project inside LeEco , dubbed LeSEE ,

  14. 爱奇艺100亿美元的估值虽然仅相当于Netflix的一小部分,但该数字将超过乐视网信息技术公司。

    At $ 10 billion , iQiyi will be valued at a fraction of Netflix 's but surpass listed Chinese rival Leshi Internet Information And Technology Corp.

  15. 乐视还与美国公司法拉第未来(FaradayFuture)合作,计划将乐视的移动和内容服务嵌入法拉第未来的车辆中。法拉第未来是一家神秘但资金充足的自动驾驶汽车开发商,乐视也投资了法拉第未来。

    It is also partnering with US-based Faraday Future , a secretive but well-funded developer of autonomous cars in which it is also an investor , to build LeEco 's mobile and content services into Faraday 's vehicles .

  16. 《长城》将由乐视影业和传奇东方联合制作。前一家公司由张艺谋担任艺术总监,后一家公司总部设在香港,是美国传奇影业(LegendaryPictures)旗下的制作公司。

    The film will be produced by Le Vision Pictures , where Mr. Zhang is artistic director , and Legendary East , a Hong Kong-based production outfit set up by the American company Legendary Pictures .

  17. 有传闻称,乐视未能支付欠供应商的100亿元人民币。受此传闻影响,贾跃亭控股、在深圳上市的乐视网(LeshiInternetInformation&TechnologyCorp)的股价自上周五以来下跌了14%。

    Shares in Shenzhen-listed Leshi Internet Information & Technology Corp , which Mr Jia also controls , have fallen 14 per cent since last Friday amid rumours that the company was unable to pay Rmb10bn owed to a supplier .

  18. 今年7月,乐视斥资20亿美元收购美国电视机制造商Vizio。

    LeEco spent $ 2bn in July to acquire US television manufacturer Vizio .

  19. FaradayFuture的大部分初始资金来自中国互联网集团乐视(Letv)的创始人贾跃亭,他曾表示希望在互联网电动汽车新兴市场打败特斯拉(Tesla)。

    Much of Faraday 's initial funding came from Jia Yueting , the founder of Chinese internet group Letv , who has said he hopes to beat Tesla in the nascent market for connected , electric cars .

  20. 乐视放弃收购之际,中国企业面临美国以国家安全为由加强监管审查,尤其是在唐纳德?特朗普(DonaldTrump)去年11月当选总统之后。

    The move by LeEco comes as Chinese companies face tighter US regulatory scrutiny on national security grounds especially in the wake of Donald Trump 's presidential victory in November .

  21. 乐视旗下的电影制作公司乐视影业(LeVisionPictures),正在制作由张艺谋执导、由马特.达蒙(MattDamon)主演的《长城》(TheGreatWall),该片被宣传为最大手笔的中美合拍影片。

    Le Vision Pictures , the group 's movie production arm , is in production on The Great Wall , directed by Zhang Yimou and starring Matt Damon , in what has been billed as the largest joint Sino-US film co-production .

  22. 在未完成的中美收购计划的名单上,可添上乐视(LeEco)20亿美元收购美国电视制造商Vizio的交易。

    To the list of unconsummated Sino-US takeovers , add LeEco 's $ 2bn deal for US TV maker Vizio .

  23. 上月,乐视增持中国智能手机制造商酷派(Coolpad)股份,成为后者最大股东。

    Last month , LeEco raised its stake in Chinese smartphone producer Coolpad , becoming its largest shareholder .

  24. 上月,乐视增持了中国智能手机制造商酷派(Coolpad)的股份,成为该公司最大股东。

    And last month LeEco raised its stake in Chinese smartphone producer Coolpad , becoming the company 's largest shareholder .

  25. 取而代之的是,两家公司在一份声明中表示,现在他们将“探索机会”将乐视的内容整合到Vizio的设备中。

    Instead the two companies said in a statement that they will now " explore opportunities " to incorporate LeEco 's content into Vizio 's devices .

  26. 乐视是最新一家跨越太平洋的中国消费电子集团,此前进军美国市场的有大疆创新科技有限公司(DJI)的无人机,小米(Xiaomi)智能电视盒子及移动配件,小蚁(Yi)运动相机和华米(Huami)健身追踪器。

    LeEco is the latest Chinese consumer electronics group to cross the Pacific , following DJI 's drones , Xiaomi 's smart TV boxes and mobile accessories , Yi 's action cameras and Huami 's fitness trackers .

  27. 为进军美国,乐视最近还斥资20亿美元收购了美国彩电制造商Vizio,并在硅谷从雅虎(Yahoo!)手中购买了49英亩的办公场所,计划容纳1.2万名员工。

    To prepare for its US move , it recently acquired US television set manufacturer Vizio for $ 2bn and purchased 49 acres of office space in Silicon Valley from Yahoo , where it intends to house 12000 employees .

  28. 不过,分析师表示,为了吸引用户使用其增值服务,乐视在以低于成本的价格销售高性能的硬件,这是一种高风险的战略,这种战略也为中国智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)带来了麻烦。

    But analysts say LeEco sells high-performance hardware below cost in an attempt to hook users into its value-added services , a risky strategy that has also caused problems for Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi .

  29. 该报告称,华为、OPPO、VIVO、中兴、联想、小米、TCL、金立、魅族、乐视/酷派去年的装货量总计为5.87亿部,共占市场份额的39%。

    The shipments of Chinese smartphone brands Huawei , OPPO , Vivo , ZTE , Lenovo , Xiaomi , TCL , Gionee , Meizu and LeEco / Coolpad totaled 587 million units last year , with a combined market share of 39 percent , according to the report .

  30. 销售在线视频流服务以及手机的乐视,在去年7月宣布计划以20亿美元收购Vizio,作为其扩大海外业务努力的一部分。

    LeEco , which sells online video streaming services as well as phones , had originally announced plans to buy Vizio for $ 2bn last July as part of its efforts to ramp up its presence overseas .