
  • 网络AOL;America online;AOL Inc
  1. 赫芬顿是美国在线公司(AOL)旗下赫芬顿邮报传媒集团(HuffingtonPostMediaGroup)的总裁兼总编辑。在她看来,人们睡觉、吃饭、工作、交谈和度假的方式都有待改善。

    According to the president and editor-in-chief of AOL 's Huffington Post Media Group , there are better ways to sleep , eat , work , converse , and vacation .

  2. 美国在线宣布改变公司申请401K养老金的配套计划,这带来了信心。

    AOL , after announcing a plan to change the way applicates company 401K matches as it brought about faith .

  3. 这表明,在美国上市的在线旅游公司携程(Ctrip)、去哪儿(Qunar)以及在开发购物中心方面重视娱乐体验的开发商大连万达(DalianWanda)等公司,很可能会获益于这股潮流。

    This suggests that companies such as US-listed online travel companies Ctrip and Qunar and mall developer Dalian Wanda - which emphasises entertainment in its shopping centres - stand to benefit .

  4. 上海或北京的一间豪华公寓可能要花费超过一个普通劳动者在中国130年的收入,据21世纪网引述的发布在美国在线房地产研究公司上的一份报告。

    A luxury apartment in Shanghai or Beijing could cost more than 130 times the annual income of an ordinary wage earner in China , according to 21cbh.com , citing a report released by a US online property research company .