
měi yuán jí tuán
  • the dollar bloc
  1. 我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。

    We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc .

  2. 另一个美联储失策的大牺牲品是全球的美元集团。

    The other great casualty of the fed 's blunder has been the global dollar bloc .

  3. 美元集团各国都盲目仿效了美国的扩张货币政策,甚至在经济快速增长对通胀造成巨大上行压力的中东等地区也是如此。

    Dollar bloc countries have slavishly mimicked expansionary US monetary policy , even in regions such as the Middle East , where rapid growth is putting huge upward pressure on inflation .

  4. 花旗董事会也已批准再回购150亿美元的集团股份。

    The board of Citigroup agreed to further buyback $ 15 billion of its shares .

  5. 中信泰富将从一个以资源为重点、资产刚刚超过100亿美元的集团,转型为一家涉足金融、房地产、工程和资源业务的综合企业,规模达到原有水平的5倍。

    Citic Pacific will be transformed from a resources-focused group with just over $ 10bn in assets into a financials , property , engineering and resources conglomerate five times the size .

  6. 伯克希尔已同意斥资90亿美元收购化工集团路博润(Lubrizol)。

    Berkshire has agreed to buy chemicals group Lubrizol for $ 9bn .

  7. 最近刚在上海进行首次公开发行(IPO)、募得近10亿美元的中资集团庞大(PangDa),将向萨博提供4500万欧元,让后者能够恢复向中国出口的制造活动。

    Pang Da , which recently raised nearly $ 1bn in a Shanghai initial public offering , will provide € 45m to Saab to allow it to resume manufacturing for export to China .

  8. 杨元庆发表上述言论之前不久,联想昨日报告总营收同比下降6%,至101亿美元。该集团的全球PC出货量连续第五个季度下降,而手机业务难以形成增长势头。

    Mr Yuan was speaking shortly after Lenovo yesterday reported a 6 per cent year-on-year decrease in overall revenues to $ 10.1bn as its global PC shipments fell for the fifth quarter in a row and the company 's handset business struggled to gain traction .

  9. 审计机构已在过去一年里加大了对中国企业的审查力度,此前爆发了一系列丑闻,包括一度价值60亿美元的木材集团嘉汉林业(Sino-Forest)的崩溃。

    Auditors have stepped up their scrutiny of Chinese companies over the past year in response to scandals including the collapse of Sino-Forest , a timber group once worth $ 6bn .

  10. 2006年向中科智投资2500万美元的凯雷集团的一名发言人表示,凯雷不得不做出大额减记。

    Carlyle , which invested $ 25m in 2006 , has had to take significant writedowns , a spokesman says .

  11. 美国国际集团正在筹备向友邦保险融资达到250亿美元只要保诚集团愿意斥资多于100亿美元。

    AIG was preparing to float AIA for up to $ 25 billion when Prudential stepped in with an offer $ 10 billion higher .

  12. 恒大方面目前资金短缺,已负债约3050亿美元,该集团周二表示,已聘请顾问研究其选择方案。

    The cash-strapped group , which has about $ 305 billion in liabilities , said on Tuesday it has engaged advisers to examine its options .

  13. 维持控制的欲望可能驱动股票回购,动用三星电子(600亿美元)和集团其它成员公司积累的现金。

    The desire to maintain control may drive buybacks , deploying cash piles that have built at Samsung Electronics ( $ 60bn ) and other group companies .

  14. 据华润集团信息显示,该公司是总部位于香港的一家贸易集团,去年营业额为645亿美元。华润集团是中国中央政府直属的113家企业集团之一。

    China Resources , a Hong Kong-based trading conglomerate with $ 64.5 billion in turnover last year , according to the company , is one of 113 business groups directly owned by China 's central government .

  15. 2010年,瑞士旅业集团(KUONI)提出收购易网通,开价1.25亿美元。岭南集团希望以原价购回那家子公司的股份,被吴植辉拒绝了。

    In 2010 , after the Swiss travel company Kuoni offered to buy Et-China for $ 125 million , Lingnan demanded to buy back the shares of its subsidiary at the original selling price , and Mr. Ng refused .

  16. 鉴于制造业腹地广东的工厂员工现在每月收入超过500美元,罗氏集团正在扩张进入薪资水平不到中国一半的国家,如缅甸、越南和孟加拉国。

    With factory workers in the manufacturing heartland of Guangdong taking home more than $ 500 a month , Lawsgroup is expanding in countries where wages are less than half the cost , such as Myanmar , Vietnam and Bangladesh .

  17. 这些报纸的年度收入约为5亿美元,占集团总收入1620亿美元的比重不到0.5%。伯克希尔的收入来自多种业务,包括铁路、保险、制造业、能源和零售业。

    The papers account for roughly $ 500 million in annual revenue , less than 0.5 % of the conglomerate 's $ 162 billion in annual revenue that comes from a variety of activities including railroad , insurance , manufacturing , energy and retailing operations .

  18. 上述说法并不罕见——沃达丰(Vodafone)在中国移动(ChinaMobile)的持股令其获利100亿美元,但该集团并未表现出售出这些股权的打算。

    This is not an unusual argument - Vodafone , sitting on a $ 10bn profit from its China Mobile stake shows no inclination of selling .

  19. 去年,中投斥资8.56亿美元收购了来宝集团(NobleGroup)15%股份,该交易突显出中国关注粮食安全。来宝集团是一家总部位于香港的大宗商品交易商。

    Last year , CIC paid $ 856m for a 15 per cent stake in Noble Group , the Hong Kong-based commodities trader , in a deal highlighting China 's preoccupation with food security .

  20. 2008年,中国外管局曾出资25亿美元与德州太平洋集团(TPG)共同投资,其中一些资金所投的投资工具后来亏损10亿美元,原因是其在错误的时机向陷于困境的华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)作出投资。

    In 2008 , Safe invested $ 2.5bn with TPG , some of it in investment vehicles that went on to lose $ 1bn in an ill-timed investment in Washington Mutual , the distressed lender .

  21. 绍尔集团去年实现收入60亿美元。此前该集团还宣布,有意将其所持西屋的20%股权重新出售给东芝(Toshiba)。

    Shaw had revenues of $ 6bn last year and had previously announced that it intended to sell its 20 per cent stake in Westinghouse , the electrical company , back to Toshiba .

  22. 2005年,在美国国会的反对下,中国国有石油公司中海油(cnooc)被迫撤回了以185亿美元收购美国能源集团尤尼科(unocal)的出价。

    In 2005 , CNOOC , the Chinese state-controlled oil company , was forced by congressional opposition to drop its $ 18.5bn bid for Unocal , the US energy group .

  23. 不过,据知情人士称,高盛还计划牵头一个国际基金集团,在首次公开发行(IPO)前投资近3亿美元入股熔盛重工集团(RongshengHeavyIndustrial),这是中国东部江苏省的一家大型造船企业。

    However , Goldman was also planning to lead a group of international funds investing nearly $ 300m in a pre - initial public offering stake in Rongsheng Heavy Industrial , a large shipbuilder in eastern China 's Jiangsu province , according to people close to the deal .

  24. 由于信贷环境恶化,数家收购公司上月在最后一刻撤出了以200亿美元收购澳大利亚超市集团coles的交易。

    Buy-out companies last month withdrew at the 11th hour from the $ 20bn takeover of Coles , the Australian supermarket group , after a deterioration in credit conditions .

  25. 他拒绝透露具体的收购目标,但他提到了最近的报道,即CMC将牵头一个财团,以85亿美元从私人股本集团CVC手中收购一级方程式赛车(F1)的控股权。

    While he declined to reveal any particular targets , he referred to recent reports that CMC is a leading investor in a possible $ 8.5bn consortium bid to buy control of the Formula One motorsport from private equity group CVC .

  26. 知情人士称,美国政府计划在5月份出售至多价值200亿美元的美国国际集团(AIG)股份。此前,政府放弃了尝试下月就开始减持其持有的92%股份的方案。

    The US government is planning to sell up to $ 20bn-worth of shares in AIG in May , after giving up on attempts to begin reducing its 92 per cent stake in the insurer next month , say people close to the situation .

  27. 印度基建集团(GVK)宣布,它将支付大约12亿5千万美元买下澳大利亚汉考克集团(Hancock)下属三座煤矿的多数股权,以及一个港口和铁路工程。

    Infrastructure company GVK has announced it will pay about $ 1.25 billion to buy a majority stake in three coal mines , and a port-and-rail project from Australia 's Hancock Group .

  28. 但李凡荣表示,公司相对成本高昂的北美业务目前没有减产计划。中海油在大约两年前斥资180亿美元收购加拿大能源集团尼克森(Nexen)之后,接手了这块业务。

    But Mr Li said his company had no current plans to cut output from its relatively costly operations in North America , which it inherited with the $ 18bn acquisition of Canadian oil developer Nexen about two years ago .

  29. 这家中国石油企业正在以150亿美元对加拿大石油集团尼克森(Nexen)发起善意收购。中海油首席财务官钟华表示,他预计这项交易将于今年年底前完成。

    The Chinese oil company is in the middle of a $ 15bn friendly acquisition of Nexen , a Canadian oil group , and chief financial officer Zhong Hua said he expected the deal to be completed by the end of this year .

  30. 这家市值156亿美元的电子商务集团,还提供不动产和电力服务,并积极投资处于早期阶段的科技初创企业。

    The ecommerce group , which is worth $ 15.6bn , also offers property and electricity services and is an active investor in early-phase technology start-ups .