
  • 网络inside money
  1. 十分钟内带钱到前门来。

    Be at the front door with the money in ten minutes .

  2. 在宽限期内将钱还清

    Pay off your money debt during the grace period

  3. 专家称,虽然轮流放牧能在长期内节约钱,但也需要计划。

    Experts say that while rotational grazing can save money over time , it also requires planning .

  4. 可是,他在钱的问题上实在很随便,一年内这笔钱就没有了。

    But he was so free and easy with the money it was all gone in a year .

  5. 当地人必须在几周时间内把钱赚够,他们过度劳累,脾气暴躁。

    The locals , having to cram their money-making into a few weeks , are over-worked and bad-tempered .

  6. 我不会在短期内赚什么钱。

    And I 'm not gonna make any money for awhile .

  7. 我们有许多次在短时间内需要很多钱的需要。

    We have the need of immediate access to the money a lot of times .

  8. 有人把所有蛋放在同一个篮子内(把钱都押在同一个投资上),在金融危机中,损失了全部金钱。

    Some people put all the eggs in one basket and lost all their money in the financial crisis .

  9. 如果所欠数额太大以至于不能在宽限期内得到这笔钱,你可以考虑用银行贷款来偿还税款。

    If the amount is too substantial to obtain in this amount of time , you might consider taking out a bank loan to pay your taxes .

  10. 两人分工明确,一人负责在银行内发现取钱的单身女子,另一人负责在银行门口实施抢夺。

    Two clear division of labor , a person found responsible for bank withdrawals of single women , another person responsible for the implementation of the snatch in the bank door .

  11. 存款证的回报要高些,使用存款证的人承诺一定时间内不取钱,期限可以是几个月或几年。

    With a certificate of deposit , or CD , a person agrees not to withdraw the money for a certain period of time . This term could be anywhere from a few months to several years .

  12. 他没有拿钱去交房租,而是去了投注站,半小时内就把这笔钱全输光了。

    Instead of using the money to pay his rent , he went to a betting shop and lost the lot in half an hour .

  13. 当投资者投入资金建造一座核电站时,他们希望在核电站的计划寿命内赚回这笔钱,而核电站的寿命通常为40到60年。

    When investors put up money to build , say , a nuclear power plant , they expect to earn that money back over the planned life of the plant , which is typically between 40 and 60 years .

  14. 上个月,继一个乳腺癌病人想用自己在NHS信托内的那部分钱购买药品而遭拒绝后,这个问题被炒得沸沸扬扬。

    The issue was highlighted this month when a breast cancer patient was denied the option of buying a drug with her own money by her NHS trust .

  15. 据WSVN报道,幸好T-mobile公司同意将花费减少到比较能接受的2千5百美元话费,并让Aarons在六个月内还上这笔钱。

    Thankfully , T-mobile agreed to lower the bill to a more manageable $ 2,500 and gave Aarons six months to pay up , WSVN reports .

  16. 当我写到这里时,我刚刚收到EasyJet一封前所未有地有帮助而且充满歉意的电子邮件。信中说,我将在3周内拿回我的钱。

    As I write these words , I have just had an unprecedentedly helpful and apologetic e-mail from EasyJet saying that I am going to get my money in three weeks .

  17. 他怎麽可能在一年内赚那麽多钱呢?

    How can he make that much money within a year ?

  18. 只要一个月内你能把钱还给我,我就借给你。

    I 'll lend you the money on condition that you pay it back in one month .

  19. 就像大多数内斗一样,钱也是导致两家分手的一个重要原因。

    But money as in most domestic squabbles also appears to be a big part of the picture .

  20. 对一些人来说,从基金投资者那里筹集更多钱的方法是可取的,因为他们可以有一定范围内赎回他们的钱(如果他们想这么去做的话)。

    To some , this is preferable to raising more money from investors in the fund because they can redeem their money , with certain restrictions , when they want .

  21. 如果一个发电机价值100美金,那么住在美国最多雨的地方(阿拉斯加凯奇坎)的人们或许能在一个世纪内赚回这些钱。

    For the rest of the year , it wouldn 't come close . If the generator rig cost $ 100 , residents of the rainiest place in the US-Ketchikan , Alaska-could potentially offset the cost in under a century .