- 名Eurodollar

New straight Eurodollar bond offerings
The Eurodollar market was given another major boost when the american Federal Reserve Board place limits on deposit interest rates in the United States .
The most famous of these , " Regulation Q " in the US , which forbade the payment of interest on demand deposits , promoted the development of the first significant postwar offshore financial market : the eurodollar market in London .
Their predecessors were given a free hand to develop the eurodollar market .
The trend began in the 1960s , when US tax reform inspired the creation of the offshore eurodollar bond market .
A foreign bond issue in dollars in New York is considerably cheaper than one made in the London Euro-dollar bond market .
Eurobond : A Eurobond is a bond denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is issued .
If the offshore renminbi market takes off , Hong Kong stands to play a similar role to that of London in the Eurodollar market for dollars circulating outside the US .
They might try to set up dollar clearing offshore , an echo of the eurodollar market that sprang up in Europe in the 1970s in response to US controls on international transactions .
International offshore financial market originated from European dollar trade ( so it was first called European dollar market ), and it appeared in London at first in small scale at that time .
His comments came during an interview in which he appeared to endorse European concerns about the decline in the dollar ; a subject that threatens to inspire dissent at the Group of Seven summit and the IMF 's annual meeting this month .
This dramatic further expansion of Fed liquidity operations is intended to ease the intense demand for dollars in Europe .
Thus , dollars have gained a wide recognition in the western world . Then through the Marshall Plan the United States spent dollars on Europe in helping its reconstruction , by which the status of dollars was further enhanced .
We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc .
It will provide dollars to the ECB so that it can do the same .
Europe 's currency headed for a weekly loss against the dollar after Fitch Ratings downgraded Ireland .
The move by central banks on Thursday to provide extended U.S. dollar loans to European banks is only a stopgap measure .
Toy export value to Europe topped 1.06 billion USD in the first 9 months
Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , Eurocurrency , Petrodollar .
The ECB is relaxing collateral haircuts on dollar loans : it should do the same for euro loans .
The World Trade Organization allowed Washington in 2019 to take countermeasures against European exports worth 7.5 billion US dollars .
The strength of the euro has compounded the problems of French and other European companies exporting to dollar-linked economies .
Asian millionaires ' combined wealth surged 31 percent to $ 9.7 trillion , surpassing Europe 's $ 9.5 trillion .
The Europeans , in particular , long for the Asians to share in the adjustment to the weakening US dollar .
One side-effect of the banking problem is that it is virtually impossible for companies to borrow US dollars from European banks .
The Fed will increase the amount of dollars it provides to the ECB in exchange for euros by $ 5bn to $ 50bn .
Investors are demanding dollars as they are increasingly seen as a haven , while many European banks need the US currency to fund dollar loan obligations .
Central banks have already taken steps to ease European banks'dollar-denominated funding needs , but the resurgent tension has policy makers discussing whether the current arrangements are enough .
The company , which makes jackets in artificial leather , exports half of its $ 60m in annual sales to Europe and about $ 20m to Latin America .
The markets with the highest value for municipal waste are the US , with $ 46bn , Europe , $ 36bn , and Japan , about $ 30bn .