
  • 网络Irving Fisher
  1. 接下来要讲的是利息理论,是由耶鲁的欧文·费雪教授所提出的,他因阐述这个理论而出名。

    I wanted to talk about the theory of interest as presented by Professor Irving Fisher at Yale , who is famous for having exposited that .

  2. 这种影响主要体现在约翰·穆勒、杰文斯、欧文·费雪继承和发展了边沁的经济哲学思想,他们的经济哲学思想既有联系又有区别。

    This influence is mainly reflected by John Stuart Mill , Jevons , Irving Fisher who inherited and developed the economic philosophy of Jeremy Bentham . Their economic philosophy have both connections and differences .