
  • 网络european monetary system;EMS;EMU;ERM
  1. 由于欧洲货币体系中的汇率机制(ERM)是现实中最典型的汇率目标区制度,故其成员国汇率被选作为实证研究的样本。

    Exchange rates of member countries of the European Monetary System are chosen as sample in the empirical study , because the Exchange Rate Mechanism is one typical exchange rate TZ regime .

  2. 德法合作与欧洲货币体系的建立

    The Franco-German Cooperation and the establishment of European Monetary System

  3. 欧洲货币体系正在走向瓦解。

    Europe 's monetary system is falling apart

  4. 欧洲货币体系转变成欧洲货币联盟,对全球金融格局、贸易特点产生了深远的影响。

    The transfer of European monetary system into European Monetary Union has exercised far-reaching influence on the global financial pattern and trade characteristics .

  5. 回顾20世纪90年代的三次金融危机,无论是欧洲货币体系危机、拉美危机,还是东南亚金融危机,其共同特征是:三次金融危机都带有明显的传染性。

    Going back to 1990s ' three financial crises Europe Currency System Crisis , Latin American Crisis and Southeast Asian Crisis , they all show a same character obvious contagions .

  6. 国际游资总是与金融动荡存在密切联系,1992年的欧洲货币体系危机、1994年底的墨西哥金融危机以及1997年席卷东南亚的货币危机无不与国际游资有关。近年来,我国经济发展势头良好。

    The hot money always contacts closely with financial risk , such as the European monetary system crisis in 1992 , the Mexican financial crisis in 1994 and the currency crisis in 1997 , which rolled up the Southeast Asia .

  7. 欧洲货币体系进入第三阶段后,脚步明显加快的欧洲货币市场一体化使得关于欧元区货币政策传导机制的经验研究与欧元区现实情况不完全相符。

    After the entry of the third stage of EMU , the quicker step of monetary market integration of euro area can hardly make the empirical study of monetary transmission mechanism ( MTM ) completely comply with the real world of Euro area .

  8. 首先,在担任财政大臣期间,他赋予英国央行独立性,并且没有让英国加入欧洲单一货币体系。

    First , as chancellor , he gave independence to the Bank of England and kept the UK out of the single European currency .