
  • 网络vehicle currency
  1. 作为这样的媒介,货币是真正的创造力。

    In effecting this mediation , [ money ] is the truly creative power .

  2. 没有这种媒介,货币就无法交换,经济增长就会停滞,社会就会僵化,因为继承会取代创业,成为财富转移的主要手段。

    Without this intermediation , money would not change hands , economic growth would stall and society would ossify , as inheritance replaced entrepreneurship as the principal means of wealth transfer .

  3. 作为交换媒介,货币简化了交易手续,人们可以将自己生产的物品及提供的服务换成钱,再用钱去换取自己所需的其它物品或服务。

    As a medium of exchange , money simplifies transactions by allowing people to exchange the goods and services they produce for money and then exchange money for other goods and services they want .

  4. 作为伴随人类社会的交往而产生和发展的交换媒介,货币在人类社会发展中扮演了极其重要的角色,这种角色在现代社会日益重要。

    As the media of exchange emerging and developing following the human society , the currency has played an extremely important role in the human social development . This kind of role is increasingly important in the modern society .

  5. 第三部分具体分析了资本账户的开放以何为渠道作为影响媒介,探析货币危机传染实现的方向性。

    The third part is the concrete analysis of the medium of the influence on currency crisis contagion .

  6. 最初行使交换媒介功能的货币,从少量使用发展为大量流通,其作用也逐步加强。

    As the medium of exchange , the quantity of currency is from a small amount into large numbers in circulation , and its function has gradually strengthened .

  7. 我们的陶器和金属制品很可能是在地球的另一边制造的,而不是几英里之外。我们的主要交易媒介是电子货币,有时还建立在虚无缥缈的基础之上。

    Our pottery and metal goods are likely to have been made , not many miles away , but on the other side of the globe , while our main medium of exchange is electronic , and sometimes based on smoke and mirrors .