
  • 网络anchor currency
  1. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)心里很清楚:它选择锚货币(anchorcurrency),应该考虑两个标准。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is clear enough : its choice of anchor currency should take two tests into account .

  2. 然后理论分析东亚次区域货币合作中锚货币的选择问题。

    Then the theoretical analysis of the choice of the anchor currency in East Asia sub-regional monetary cooperation .

  3. 他的选择,是中国采用美国的无锚货币制,严谨地控制货币量,让汇率自由浮动。

    His choice was that China go to fiat money , control the money supply tightly , and let the exchange rate float .

  4. 紧接着利用最优货币区理论的判定标准深入分析了东亚锚货币的问题。

    And then I give an in-depth analysis of East Asia " anchor currency " followed by the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas Criteria .

  5. 这表明,目前人民币是东亚区域货币金融合作中最具潜力的锚货币。四是构建以人民币为主导的东亚区域汇率协调机制。

    It is suggest that RMB is the most potential anchor currency between regional monetary and financial cooperation in East Asia . Fourthly , it is to build the core of RMB in East Asia regional exchange rate coordination mechanism .

  6. 从固定汇率锚退出后的货币政策框架选择

    Choice of monetary policy framework after retreating from fixed exchange rate anchor