
máo dì
  • anchorage;berth;anchor station;holding ground
锚地 [máo dì]
  • [anchorage] 船只抛锚停泊或适于停泊的地方

  1. 船在锚地停了一个月。

    The ship remained in anchorage for a month .

  2. 本文通过AHP方法进行分析,得出锚地选择的合理性方案。

    By using AHP , the analysis is carried out and the reasonable scheme of anchorage selection for Ningbo Port is obtained in the paper .

  3. 一艘轮船在码头锚地停泊。

    A steamship was moored to its berth at the pier .

  4. 浅谈涉外EPC项目的技术管理&孟加拉吉大港新锚地集装箱码头项目

    Discussion on Technical Management of Overseas EPC Projects & NCT Container Terminal Project in Chittagong , Bangladesh

  5. 针对宁波港锚地现状,通过AHP方法的应用,得出锚地规划与功能划分的合理性方案。

    By applying the method of AHP to the selection of anchorage , some conclusions on planning and reasonable function dividing of anchorage are obtained .

  6. 冰碛物滑坡中的锚固工程试验应用CCT数据圈定开阔海面上作业船只的安全避风锚地

    Enclosing the Safe Anchorage Sheltered from Wind for Operating Ship on Open Sea Using Satellite CCT Data

  7. 首先利用2005年12月14日至15日青岛外海2号锚地(A3站)周日连续观测的ADCP资料,分析了平均流场特征、雷诺应力和湍流动能生成率特征。

    Based on the ADCP data of an anchor station in the coast of Qingdao ( A3 ) in Dec. 14 , 2005 , the feature of mean flow , Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy production rate are analyzed .

  8. 我们离开那个锚地,向着东北方向驶去。

    We left that anchorage and stood away towards the northeast .

  9. 大连港航道锚地功能改善的研究

    Study on the Improvement of Fairways and Anchorages of Dalian Port

  10. 我的身后是大海,前面是锚地。

    Behind me was the sea , in front the anchorage .

  11. 基于层次分析法的宁波港锚地选择方案

    Solutions to Selection of Anchorage in Ningbo Port Based on AHP

  12. 大连港海上交通安全调研与航道锚地功能改善规划

    Safety investigation and improvement program for marine traffic in Dalian port

  13. 关于内河港口锚地建设规模的研究

    Research on the Construction Scale of a Roadstead for an Inland Port

  14. 在冥思时利用呼吸来做注意力的“锚地”(即把注意力集中到自己的呼吸上来)。

    Using the breath as an anchor for attention during meditation

  15. 她非常感激,因为她终于有了坚固的避风锚地。

    She was grateful to finally have what looked like sturdy shelter .

  16. 19点30分从锚地移泊到13号码头/浮筒。

    30 shifting from anchorage to pier / buoy No.13 .

  17. 宁波金塘锚地锚泊注意事项

    Ningbo gold pond anchoring zone anchorage matters needing attention

  18. 锚地油轮过驳作业危险源辨识与对策

    Risk source identification and countermeasures in lighterage operation of oil tanker at anchorage

  19. 日照港锚地的调整和扩建

    Readjustment and Extension of Anchorage Areas in Rizhao Port

  20. 我的飞机在海湾上空遇上了暴风。开敞锚地上所易遇到的危险

    My plane ran into a squall over the bay . dangers of roads

  21. 海湾是众所周知的安全锚地。

    The bay is well-known as a safe anchorage .

  22. 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台。

    Load out Contractor 's riser at Zhanjiang anchorage .

  23. 某锚地船舶搁浅自脱过程分析

    Analyzing the ship takes off shallow by oneself afterrunning aground in the anchorage

  24. 海湾提供了优良的锚地和船只停泊的安全场所。

    The bay affords a good anchorage and a safe station for ships .

  25. 出海第六天,我们到达雅茅斯锚地。

    The sixth day of our being at sea we came into Yarmouth roads ;

  26. 中国制造:这艘万吨货船东风驶向上海港的锚地。

    Made in China : The10,000-ton freighter East Wind rides at anchor in Shanghai harbor .

  27. 我想锚地大概是在南面那个小岛的后面吧?

    ' The anchorage is on the south , behind an islet , I fancy ? '

  28. 船员顶着风浪和潮水把船驶入安全锚地。

    The crew strove against wind and tide to bring the ship to a safe anchorage .

  29. 大连港;锚地规划;锚地容量;安全管理;

    Adjustment of Anchorage function ; Anchorage Planning ; Anchorage Capacity ; Safety Management for Anchorage ;

  30. 如果有人曾闻过热病和痢疾的气味,那就只有这可恶的锚地了。

    If ever a man smelt fever and dysentery , it was in that abominable anchorage .