
ɡōnɡ zhènɡ chù
  • notarial office;notary office
  1. 中华人民共和国天津市公证处

    Tianjin Notary Public Office Tianjin The People 's Republic of China

  2. 公证处应当设立事业发展基金和责任赔偿基金。

    The notary office shall set up career developing fund and compensation fund .

  3. 公证处受司法行政机关领导。

    The notary office shall be under the leadership of the judicial administrative authorities .

  4. 公证处&法律援助中不可或缺的承担者

    Notarial Office-An Indispensable Undertaker for Legal Aid Responsibilities

  5. 公证处对不真实、不合法的事实与文书应拒绝公证。

    The notary office shall refuse to give a testimonial to false or illegal statements and documents .

  6. 首先,去法律公证处办理相关文件,证实她的合法继续人有哪些。

    Above all , go to legal notarization place handling relevant document , what does the lawful successor that confirms her have .

  7. 主任、副主任领导公证处的工作,并且必须执行公证员职务。

    The director and deputy director shall direct the work of the notary office , and must also execute the duties of notaries .

  8. 公证处应当通过公证活动,教育公民遵守法律,维护社会主义法制。

    The notary office should , through its notarial activities , educate citizens in abiding by the law and upholding the socialist legal system .

  9. 公证处最终拒绝了两人的公证请求,称这份协议不仅违背了社会道德,也违反了《婚姻法》。

    But the notary 's office refused the request , saying it not only offended social morality , but also violated the Marriage Law .

  10. 公证处是提供证明法律服务的社会组织,目前公证行业变革正在进行中。

    Notary office is a social organization which provides proof of legal services . Currently , the change of notary industry is under way .

  11. 公证处、公证员应当加入市公证员协会,并依照市公证员协会章程的规定缴纳会费。

    The notary office and notary shall join in the municipal notarial association and pay membership fees according to the constitution of the municipal notarial association .

  12. 而原告方要补充证据,就得请作者本人出庭作证或到公证处对签名进行公证,这个成本是根本无法承担的。

    And accuser just wants adminicle , have to ask him author to appear in court attest or undertake notarization to autograph to notarial place , this cost cannot be borne at all .

  13. 原因竟然是因为司机骗过了公证处的人脸识别系统,得到了公证证明,由此委托了另外一个人将房子卖掉了。

    The reason turned out to be that the driver posing HuangYouLong to the notary office , through face recognition technology to handle the commissioned notary proof to entrust another person to the force of a house sold .

  14. 可是由于那个公证处位置好像不明显,而且是在一个大楼的七楼,所以我找也找不到,问了一些人他们也说不知道。

    Therefore , I went to seek it . Nevertheless , as the location of the office was not obvious and in the seventh floor of another building , I failed to find it even though I asked a lot of people nearby .

  15. 房产权转移、房产预售(预购)、房产抵押和房屋租赁合同的订立,应经深圳市公证处公证。

    The formation of contracts for the transfer of building property rights , the sale ( purchase ) of building property in advance , the mortgage of building property and the lease of buildings shall be notarized by the Shenzhen Municipal Notarial Office .

  16. 继承公证是公证处根据法律规定和继承人的申请,依法证明继承人的继承行为真实、合法的活动。

    Inheritance notary is a kind of activity , which according to legal provisions and heirs application , to prove the authenticity and legitimacy of the succession .

  17. 各级司法行政机关、公证员协会和公证处要继续加强对公证人员的教育、培训。

    The administrative organs of justice , notaries'associations and notary offices at all levels shall continue to intensify the education and training of notaries .

  18. 公证立法过程中应明确公证处的调查取证权及调查取证程序,以增强立法的保障与规范性。

    Notarial department should make clear of the proof given right and the proof investigating process , so as to enhance the valid and standard of legislation .

  19. 公证组织形式:国际通行的公证组织形式、我国目前可采用的形式――事业性质的公证处、我国未来公证机构最佳形式――公证人事务所;

    Notarization organizations : the worldwide vulgate notarization organization forms , the organization forms that can be adopted currently by China Notarization unit with enterprise property , the future best form of Chinese Notarization organizations Notary Office .