
kā fēi sè
  • coffee;coffee color
  1. 底色为棕咖啡色,金黄色花纹,疏密相间,尽显自然,若隐若现,幻影迷离,幽雅庄重。

    The bottom color is the brown coffee color , the golden yellow pattern , the density interaction , reveals the nature , partly visible , the illusory image is blurred , quiet and tasteful grave .

  2. 自新鲜猪血中提取的血红素,为深咖啡色无腥味的粉末,铁含量约为1.2%~1.8%。

    Heme was extracted from fresh pig blood and made into powder in black coffee color . The product contained about 1.2 % - 1.8 % iron and was added into food to raise its iron content .

  3. 漆面、衣柜和床头柜是浅咖啡色的。

    The paintwork , the wardrobes and the bedside cupboards were coffee-cream .

  4. AP染色检测显示SSCs被染成咖啡色,AP阳性。

    AP staining showed that SSCs be dyed brown , the AP-positive .

  5. 结果:PVNS以膝关节肿痛伴有咖啡色关节积液、MRI检查(T1和T2加权像)滑膜的低密度信号、滑膜内含有铁锈样色素斑等改变为临床特征;

    Results : The clinical features of PVNS included articular engorgement and pain associated with hydrarthrosis , decreased signal intensity on both T1-and T2-weighted MRI , and rust-like staining in synovium .

  6. 由Gucci经典绿红绿织带所延伸出来的设计,咖啡色与白色相间的织带,代表一种年轻的新品味。

    Green red and green Gucci ribbon from the classic design that stretches out , brown and white and white ribbon , represent a new taste of the young .

  7. 采用添加了CS-1添加剂的常规的不锈钢着色液可以生产出彩色不锈钢。所获彩色膜除包括在常规的着色液中可获得的颜色外,还能着出茶色、咖啡色、古铜色等颜色。

    Coloured stainless steel can be produced by treating stainless steel in a conventional colouring solution containing Additive CS-1 . The obtainable film colours may be dark brown , coffee and bronze besides the colours generally obtainable from conventional colouring solutions .

  8. 生产实践表明,L型活性染料在40℃染色,即可获得较高的色牢度,且解决了染咖啡色等敏感色的色花问题。

    Results show that fabric dyed at40 ℃ can obtain higher color fastness , color deviation can be eliminated when dyed in sensitive color like coffee .

  9. 对啊,我觉得她把头发染成咖啡色很好看。

    Yeah ! I think brown hair looks good on her .

  10. 嗯,她很可爱,有着咖啡色的卷发。

    Oh , she 's cute and has curly brown hair .

  11. 弧形铝框门镶嵌咖啡色亚克力,工艺精湛。

    Aluminum-framed arc doors inlay coffee acrylic sheet by consummate craft .

  12. 谁能相信那种巴西来的咖啡色的豆子。

    Who 'd believe that little brown bean from brazil .

  13. 暖咖啡色能塑造你的脸型,使脸色看上去不那么暗。

    Warm coffee tones will shape your face without looking too dark .

  14. 你们没有咖啡色备货吗?

    Have not you get any brown colour in stock ?

  15. 颜色:黑色,绿色,粉红色,咖啡色。

    Color ( s ): Black , Green , Pink , Coffee .

  16. 咖啡色的地毯与白色的窗帘对照起来很好看。

    The coffee carpet looks agreeable as opposed to the white curtain .

  17. 绿色或咖啡色的柔软叶柄,节间距离易变。大的悬垂型。

    Green or brown flexible petiole , variable internode length . Large trailer .

  18. 她们都喜欢咖啡色和黑色。

    They both liked their coffee cold and black .

  19. 土壤结构为咖啡色壤土覆盖红/黄黏土,基底为页岩。

    Soil structure is brown loam over red / yellow clay with underlying shale .

  20. 我一直觉得咖啡色眼睛深色长发的女生最迷人了。

    E.g I always find girls with brown eyes and long dark hair gorgeous .

  21. 米白色配咖啡色?是要表达什么意思呢?

    The color scheme is off-white and coffee .

  22. 全熟:牛排呈深咖啡色、结实而口感略为粗糙。

    Well done : the steak is grey-brown throughout , firm and quite tough .

  23. 摊贩老板建议我应该买那双咖啡色的高跟鞋。

    The street vendor suggested that I should buy the high-heeled shoes in coffee .

  24. 请帮我选择一套款式更加舒适、颜色更接近咖啡色的。

    Please kindly choose one more comfortable set , closer to the coffee style .

  25. 他那件咖啡色丝绒上装仿佛已经跟他结了不解之缘。

    His brown velvet jacket had become perennial .

  26. 我想我的尺寸是42号,我要淡咖啡色的。

    I think my size is42 . I 'd like something in light brown .

  27. 中到深绿色叶,心形状的叶,叶脉鼓起,叶面光滑,咖啡色的叶背。大型。

    Medium-dark green , heart-shaped , quilted , glossy / maroon back . Large .

  28. 冰咖啡色,有种清凉的感觉。

    Iced coffee with a frosty hint .

  29. 她喜欢穿咖啡色衣服。

    She likes to wear brown .

  30. 咖啡色洋装和你的眼睛很搭。

    The brown matches your eyes .