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gā lí fàn
  • curry rice;Curry And Rice;Indian Curry
  1. 队长:拉面和咖喱饭。真正的印度咖喱用很多香料,不是很对韩国人的胃口。我们,韩国人,更喜欢日本的咖喱。

    Leader : Ramen and curry rice ( in a smile ) The real Indian curry use many spices , which are not palatable to Koreans . We , Koreans rather like Japanese curry .

  2. 他吃完了咖喱饭,说非常好吃。

    He has finished his curry and pronounces it quite good .

  3. 咖喱饭正在快速成为深受英国人喜爱的饭菜。

    Curry is rapidly becoming the uk 's favourite dish .

  4. 但是不管你如何喜欢咖喱饭。

    But no matter how much you love curry .

  5. 特别是当我还在吃山羊咖喱饭的时候。

    While I 'm still working on goat curry .

  6. 能把这个咖喱饭做的味淡一点吗?

    Can you make this curry mild ?

  7. 他们吃了一顿极好的咖喱饭。

    They enjoyed a superb curry lunch .

  8. 印度人喜爱咖喱饭。

    Indians like curry with rice .

  9. 两份烹制精美的咖喱饭摆在我们面前,其中的主要原料是菠菜。

    Two beautifully prepared curries are placed in front of us with spinach the main ingredient of both .

  10. ,它比用微波炉做的砂锅菜、外卖咖喱饭或从几英里外送来的披萨更令人愉快。

    It is more pleasant than a microwaved stew or takeout curry or a pizza delivered from miles away .

  11. 一家专注于高端美式汉堡的饭店非常火爆,同样火爆的另一家餐馆专做日本咖喱饭。

    A spot specializing in upscale American hamburgers was a big hit , as was one specializing in Japanese curry .

  12. 这些遗传材料是我们的粮食作物、面包、咖喱饭、玉米饼和古斯古斯(硬质小麦饭)的基础。

    These genetic materials are at the base of our food crops , our breads , our curries , our tortillas and our couscous .

  13. 我知道你永远不可能重现在伯利兹城细细的海滩上的帐篷里烤鱼或是可口岛上的盘馕咖喱饭。

    I know : you can never truly recreate that grilled fish at the tiny beach shack in Belize or the Panang curry on Koh Tao .

  14. 凉拌酸奶沙拉是以酸奶为基础的食品,它一般在一些辛辣的印度食品例如马铃薯豌豆咖喱饭中提供&详细内容在我们的主食配方中。

    Raita is a yogurt based dish that is served over spicy Indian dishes such as the Potato Pea Curry in the Main Dishes section of our recipes .

  15. 过去的压缩饼干和牛肉罐头变成了现在的奥利奥夹心饼干,泰国咖喱饭和鲑鱼意大利面片。这些食品可以为士兵提供一天所需的最少4000大卡的热量。

    Gone are biscuit brown and bully beef and in their place are Oreo cookies , Thai green curry and salmon pasta meals designed to provide troops with the minimum 4,000 calories a day they need .

  16. 但是,一旦他们一天的工作很糟糕,超过一半(54%)的员工都会抛弃原有的健康午餐的计划,倾向于选择汉堡,咖喱饭和披萨,而不是寿司和沙拉。

    However , as soon as they were having a rough day , more than half ( 54 per cent ) abandoned plans to eat healthy lunches like sushi and salads in favour of burgers , curries and pizza .

  17. 咖喱鸡饭非常可口。

    The chicken curried with rice is very good .

  18. 在一个印度餐厅一份咖喱鸡饭花了我们三十元.我妈妈经常和邻居一起去超市购物。

    Chicken curry and rice costs us about thirty yuan in an Indian restaurant .

  19. 食品将是五香三角菜饺,咖喱鸡肉饭和印度飞饼。

    The food will be samosas , chicken curry and rice , and naan bread .

  20. 英国广播公司报道,在食堂的咖喱鸡饭里吃出老鼠肉之后,孟加拉国的大学官员下令清剿老鼠。

    University officials in Bangladesh have ordered a major rat extermination drive after rodent meat found its way into chicken curry served to students , the BBC reports .

  21. 黄油草莓酱、奶油烤饼加糖奶茶我将出售印度食品食品将是五香三角菜饺,咖喱鸡肉饭和印度飞饼。

    Scones with butter , strawberry jam and cream tea with milk and sugar I 'll sell Indian food . The food will be samosas , chicken curry and rice , and naan bread .