
chǎo fàn
  • Fried Rice;fry rice
炒饭[chǎo fàn]
  1. 例如,你可能点更多的白米饭和炒饭:Canwehavesomemorerice,please?

    For example , you might order more boiled or fried rice : Can we have some more rice , please ?

  2. 我的拿手菜是番茄酱意大利面,Alex常做蛋炒饭,直到别人告诉我们那会让你变肥!

    My speciality is pasta and tomato sauce and Alex used to make egg fried rice until everyone told us off because it makes you fat !

  3. 她的舌头非常的挑剔:除了吃Whiskers,她还吃吐司,各种面点,炒饭,蒸鱼。

    Not only did she enjoy cat food immensely , she also loved toast , pastries of all sorts , stir-fries and steamed fish .

  4. 就是我大牛的拿手好菜,扬州炒饭。

    We 're missing Daniel 's forte , Yangzhou fried rice .

  5. 你觉得晚上吃炒饭如何?

    What do you think about having fried rice for dinner ?

  6. 我的本领就是会做香喷喷的蛋炒饭。

    I will do is the ability tasty Egg Fried Rice .

  7. 我靠着这本食谱学会作炒饭。

    I learned how to cook fried rice from this cookbook .

  8. 谢谢!炒饭和豆腐等好吃。

    Thank you ! Fried rice and tofu is so yummy .

  9. 日式炒饭和味增汤。

    Japanese fried rice and " mi so " soup .

  10. 这是您的蛋炒饭,先生。

    Here is your fried rice with egg , sir .

  11. 这里有炒饭、饺子和包子。

    They have fired nice , dumplings and stuffed buns .

  12. 我做的泡菜炒饭很好吃。

    I 'm really good at cooking Kimchi Fried Rice .

  13. 谢谢收看本期“蛋炒饭”教程,我们下期节目再见。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Egg Fried Rice

  14. 加入更多的炒饭酱会更具独特鲜辣口感。

    Add more nasi goreng paste for a spicier taste .

  15. 我叫了四份炒饭。

    I asked for four orders of fried rice .

  16. 香喷喷的炒饭最后要完成啦!

    The fragrant rice last to be completed quickly !

  17. 南瓜,南瓜籽,南瓜籽油和扇贝炒饭。

    Fried rice with pumpkin , scallops , pumpkin oil and pumpkin seeds .

  18. 当米饭与盐和蒜瓣一起炒的时候就是炒饭。

    When fried with salt and garlic cloves it 's known as sinangag .

  19. 扬州蛋炒饭工艺标准化研究

    The Research on the Technological Standardization of Yangzhou Fried Rice with Scrambled Egg

  20. 这就是我今天的得意之作,扬州炒饭。

    This is my proud work of the day , Yangzhou fried rice .

  21. 两份白米饭和一份炒饭。

    That 's two boiled rice and one fried .

  22. 我们要的是炒饭,他们却给了我们蒸饭。

    We wanted fried rice but they gave us steamed ( rice ) .

  23. 上面那个炒饭的食谱听起来不错啊。

    The recipe of fried rice above looks good .

  24. 蛋炒饭是他格外喜欢的食物。

    Rice and eggs was his favourite food .

  25. 我是1002房,给我送一份牛肉粒,葱花炒饭。

    The room is1002 give me a portion of fried rice with meat only .

  26. 我们有牛排、炸鸡或炸虾特餐,以及时菜炒饭等。

    We have special steak , fried chicken or shrimp with vegetables and rice .

  27. 我想要点炒饭和一杯冰的柠檬红茶。

    I would like some fried rice and a glass of iced lemon tea .

  28. 津白肉丝炒(汤)年糕我们可以要两份白米饭和一份炒饭吗?

    Can we have two plain steamed rice and one fried rice , please ?

  29. 而且我喜欢炒饭最好的。

    And I like fried rice best .

  30. 以下是使仿制煎蛋卷和番茄酱,调味炒饭酿的基本步骤。

    Here are the basic steps for making an imitation omelet stuffed with ketchup-seasoned fried rice .