
  1. 中国电子商务中充斥着虚假销售和评论,商家用“刷单炒信”的方式获取更靠前的排位和更多销量。

    The practice , known in Chinese as " brushing , " is used by merchants to gain prominent placement and more sales .

  2. 中国国家发展和改革委员会昨日表示,打击“炒信”协议是全国“社会信用体系”大型项目建设的一个组成部分,该项目于去年宣布,旨在提高网络上的可信度。

    The National Development and Reform Commission , a key government agency , said yesterday that the agreement to fight " credit manipulation " would be part of a larger project announced last year to create a national " social credit system " aimed at promoting online trustworthiness .