
chǎo lì zi
  • baked chestnut
  1. 在我省,最常见的吃法是糖炒栗子。

    In our province , the most common Chifa is Tangchaolizai .

  2. 在平时的生活中,最常见的一种吃法是糖炒栗子。

    In daily life , the most common way of cooking them is to fry with sugar .

  3. 请注意下例中增补的代词。(10)一路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京。

    We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts , had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing .

  4. 当秋冬季节来临时,糖炒栗子就成了特地为这个季节准备的美味。

    When autumn and winter come , the chestnut roasted with sugar is a delicacy right for the seasons .

  5. 他已经炒栗子卖栗子20多年了,他的栗子远近闻名。

    He has been roasting and selling sugar-roasted chestnuts for more than two decades and his products are well-known .

  6. 在中国北方,到了冬季,街头巷尾便飘起了糖炒栗子的香味。

    As winter comes , the air is always filled with the aroma of roasted chestnuts at streets and lanes in North China .

  7. 你可以去尝一尝五香豆、梨膏糖、糖炒栗子、大闸蟹,更别提那些风味独特的小吃和点心了。

    You have to try Five-flavored Beans , Ligao Candy , Roasted Chestnut , Seasonal Hairy Crab , and not to mention the other savory desserts .

  8. 浙江杭州的一家糖炒栗子店因宣传自己为“杭州最优秀”,将面临20万元(约30500美金)的罚款。

    A store that sells sugar-roasted chestnuts is facing a fine of 200000 yuan ( $ 30500 ) after advertising its products as " the best " in Hangzhou , Zhejiang province .

  9. 这些和糖一起翻炒的栗子看起来呈深棕色并且油光闪闪。

    The chestnut roasted with sugar looks nigger-brown and shimmers with oil .

  10. 完全炒熟的栗子会呈现出深棕色。

    The husk of thoroughly cooked chestnuts turns reddish brown .

  11. 是的,每一道菜都很香,特别是腰果炒虾仁和栗子炖鸡。

    Yes , every dish was delicious , especially the fried shrimps with cashews and chestnut chicken stew .

  12. 炒熟后的栗子会在壳上露出一个可爱的小口,微笑得面对它的客人。

    Stir in the shell , revealing a small mouth lovely smile in the face of its guests .