
  • Pad Thai;Stir-Fried Rice Noodles
  1. “分享剩饭”应用是在七月底上线的。该应用可以让用户拍照上传并描述自己的剩饭,无论是泰式炒河粉、披萨或是越南米粉,都可以上传。上传剩饭照片后,就可以和附近正在挨饿的朋友们取得联系了。

    Launching at the end of July , LeftoverSwap will allow users to upload a photo and description of their pad thai , pizza or pho and connect them with hungry neighbors nearby .

  2. 正是这种轻率的结合令这些华裔美国大厨现在很害怕“亚洲融合菜”这个说法,不遗余力地想要重新定义他们所做的食物(他们肯定不会胡乱改动寿司和泰式炒河粉的做法)。

    Those thoughtless mash-ups are why these Chinese-American chefs now shudder at the term " Asian fusion " and go to great lengths to define what they are doing differently . ( They are definitely not tinkering with sushi or dabbling in pad Thai . )