
chǎo huò
  • roasted seeds and nuts
炒货 [chǎo huò]
  • [roasted seeds and nuts] 常指经炒熟出售的干果,如瓜子、栗子、花生等

炒货[chǎo huò]
  1. 适用于膨化食品、果蔬、糖果、饼干、速冻食品、瓜子、炒货、种子等粒状物进行自动化包装。

    Applicable to extruded foods , fruits and vegetables , candies , biscuits , frozen foods , seeds , roasted seeds and nuts , seeds and other granular materials for packaging automation .

  2. 搭建中国炒货企业和国内外买家的贸易平台。

    Build the trade bridge between the domestic suppliers and the global buyers .

  3. 复合抗氧化剂在油脂及炒货食品中的应用研究

    Study on blend antioxidants for oils and nuts

  4. 炒货山东壮汉一夜之间究竟去了哪里?

    Did the that stir-fry cargo Shandong for strong man 's a night actually go where ?

  5. 原香味葵瓜子为安徽大宗的炒货食品,深受消费者青睐。

    Original flavor sunflower seed ( OFSS ) is a stir-frying food of Anhui province , which is deeply recepted by consumers .

  6. 2003年媒体爆出上海炒货业协会与家乐福因通道费引起工商关系紧张,更引起了舆论及学术界对此问题的关注与热议。

    In 2003 , Shanghai See Nut Roasters Roasters Association was reported that had a tense relation with Carrefour because of slotting allowance , which attracted the concerns of media and academia .