
  • 网络fried beef
  1. 这是青椒洋葱炒牛肉。

    Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion .

  2. 这是您的青椒洋葱炒牛肉,女士。

    Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion , madam .

  3. 时菜炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithSeasonalVegetable

    Saut é ed Sliced Beef with Chinese Yam

  4. 扣碗牛肉SteamedBeefinCasserole辣白菜炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithSpicyCabbage

    Saut é ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery

  5. 荔枝炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithLichee

    Saut é ed Sliced Beef with Ginger and Scallion

  6. 我做的炒牛肉“杰”其实就是炒牛肉酱

    I make my famous sloppy Jays , which are really sloppy joes ...

  7. 去皮鸡胸肉和火鸡丶瘦猪肉,例如:肉眼,角肉或法兰肉排(炒牛肉)

    Skinless chicken breast and turkey , pork loin , tenderloin , flank steak .

  8. 噢炒牛肉“杰”是因为你叫杰

    Sloppy jays because your name 's Jay .

  9. 但是现在我就做炒牛肉酱。

    But now I can make sloppy joes .

  10. 我们点了许多菜,像是炒饭和青椒炒牛肉等。

    We ordered a lot of dishes , such as fried rice and peppers with beef .

  11. 或者,把它们做成素食版的炒牛肉酱;亦或用生姜、大蒜、辣椒炒熟来振奋一下食欲。

    Or try them in vegetarian sloppy joes or saut é ed with ginger , garlic and chili for a vibrant side .

  12. 把剩余的1/4磅牛肉切成小块,剥一只小洋葱切成细丝状,然后用一勺量的油煸炒至牛肉嫩熟。

    Cut the reserved piece of meat into tiny pieces , peel and thinly slice one small onion , and brown with the meat in a spoonful of drippings .