
yòu xiā
  • Juvenile shrimp;juvenile prawn
幼虾[yòu xiā]
  1. 随着碱度、pH的升高,中国对虾幼虾的存活率下降。

    The survival rate of shrimp larvae fell with the increase of alkalinity and pH.

  2. 万氏对虾自身合成的维生素C可满足成虾的需求,但不能满足幼虾的需求。维生素A、维生素D3和维生素E是万氏对虾饵料中必需的,维生素K是非必需的。

    Vitamin A , D and E are essential nutrients in shrimp diets but vitamin K is not .

  3. Vc、β-葡聚糖和藻粉对中国对虾幼虾生长、成活率及免疫酶活性的影响

    The effect of Vc , beta-glucan and algae powder on growth , survival rate and immune enzyme activities of Penaeus chinensis juvenile

  4. ω6族和ω5族脂肪酸在万氏对虾幼虾饵料中是必须的。

    Omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA are required for the diet of shrimp .

  5. 建议的幼虾和鱼的监测地位置。

    Proposed monitoring sites for juvenile fish and shrimps .

  6. 盐度对日本对虾幼虾生长与瞬时耗氧速率的影响

    Effects of salinity on growth and instantaneous oxygen consumption rate of juvenile Penaeus japonicus

  7. 很少有幼虾重回岸边。

    Fewer young lobsters return to shore .

  8. 河口区室内幼虾养殖循环水处理技术与模式

    The technique and mode of treating circulation water for indoor shrimp culture at estuary area

  9. 在夏威夷岛附近的水域里,一只透明的幼虾骑在一只同样透明的水母背上。

    A transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish in the waters around Hawaii .

  10. 作为幼虾开口饵料的蛋白原料,提高适口性及生长速度;

    As the protein raw material of young shrimp , enhances palatableness and the growth speed ;

  11. 幼虾培育技术;

    Shrimp seed cultivate technique ;

  12. 并对比了对虾幼体和幼虾对一些营养素的利用和代谢的差别。

    The differences of the metabolism and utilization for some nutrients between larvae and juvenile shrimp are compared .

  13. 饲料中不饱和脂肪酸对斑节对虾幼虾存活、蜕皮和生长的影响

    Effect of dietary fatty acids on survival , molting and growth of juvenile tiger shrimp , penaeus monodon

  14. Cu~(2+)和Cd~(2+)对斑节对虾幼虾的毒性作用

    Toxic Effects of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and Cd ~ ( 2 + ) on Giant Tiger Prawn Penaeus monodon Juvenile

  15. 对虾体肌肉成分的分析显示,各组幼虾肌肉在水分、蛋白质含量方面没有显著差异(P>0.05)。

    The analysis indicated that the moisture and protein contents of prawn muscle in different groups were not different significantly ( P > 0.05 ) .

  16. 结果表明,饲料系数、蛋白质效率均随饲料蛋白质含量的增加而减小,饲料蛋白质水平对南美白对虾幼虾肌肉游离氨基酸和肝胰腺胰蛋白酶的活性有显著的影响。

    The effects of dietary protein level on trypsin activities and essential amino acids compositions in shrimp muscle were significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 南美白对虾幼虾最适的生长因素是:盐度为17,钙添加量为1.5%,磷添加量为1.5%。

    An orthogonal design was employed to determine optimum levels for environmental salinity ( 17 ), phosphorus supplements ( 1.5 % ) and calcium supplements ( 1.5 % ) .

  18. 随着Cu2+浓度增大,日本沼虾幼虾存活的时间变短,肝脏和鳃的中毒颜色变深。

    With the increase of Cu2 + concentration , the survival time of the juvenile will become shorter , and the colour of gill and liver will become darker .

  19. 幼虾摄食含有不同脂肪酸的饲料,虽然虾体内脂肪含量接近,但虾体脂肪酸含量差异显著。

    Although the content of fat of the shrimp body is similar , the composition of fatty acids of the shrimp body is significantly different ( F > F 0.05 ) .

  20. 通过仔虾和幼虾消化酶活力的变化可以看出,红螯光壳螯虾仔虾在刚脱离母体时食性偏动物食性,随着个体的生长,逐渐向偏植食性转变。

    Through the change of activity of digestive enzyme , we can see that feeding habits is partial animal feeding in post-larval crayfish but partial plant feeding with the growth of individual .

  21. 对幼虾,当钙磷总含量约为2%而钙磷比为1:1.7时,其增重及饵料转化率最高。

    While the total cont-tents of Ca , P were 2 % and the Ca / P ratio was 1:1.7 , the growth and the food conversion rate of the juveniles was the best .

  22. 采用生物化学的方法分别测定了红螯光壳螯虾仔虾和幼虾投喂不同脂肪源饲料后,肝胰腺消化酶:胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶及纤维素酶的比活力。

    We used the biochemical methods to measure the effects of different lipid sources on digestive enzyme activity ( pepsin , lipase , amylase and cellulase ) in hepatopancreas of post-larval and juvenile red claw crayfish .

  23. 以淡化虾塘水添加天然盐碱水为试验用水驯化南美白对虾幼虾,探讨东北地区碳酸盐类盐碱水养殖对虾的技术。

    Natural saline-alkali water was added into the water of desalinated prawn ponds to domesticate desalinated juvenile white legged shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ), in order to study the technique of cultivating prawn at carbonate saline-alkali waters in northeast China .