
chǎo yóu yú
  • fry cuttlefish;dismiss sb. from office;fire sb;give the sack;dismiss;sack
炒鱿鱼 [chǎo yóu yú]
  • [dismiss] 〈方〉∶指解雇;因鱿鱼一炒就卷起来,所以用炒鱿鱼比喻卷铺盖

炒鱿鱼[chǎo yóu yú]
  1. 要是我搞砸了,很可能会被炒鱿鱼。

    If I messed up , I would probably be fired .

  2. 一名工人因醉酒而被炒鱿鱼。

    One of the workers was sacked for drunkenness .

  3. Lostthedressingroom指全体队员对主教练失去了信心,即将被炒鱿鱼,dressingroom(更衣室)多指球队的全体队员。

    Lost the dressing2 room is a term which describes a manager in a situation where he has lost the confidence of players and is about to be fired ; " dressing room " is an idiom which refers to the players of a team .

  4. 把某人推出月亮门指与某人分手,也可以指,把某人炒鱿鱼。

    To give someone the moon door means to break up with somebody . Alternatively , it means to fire somebody from a job .

  5. 之后,这种迷恋的后续影响十分残酷——此前被迷恋的人会领教暴怒和蔑视,通常最终还会被炒鱿鱼。

    Then the after-effects of the crush are brutal6 -- the former loved one is treated to rage and disdain7 and usually in the end is fired .

  6. 如果你能自黑,而且不会因此被炒鱿鱼、被禁足或者被指虚假自夸,那你就是一股强大的力量。

    And power . If you can underbrag and not get fired , grounded , or shamed into brag-bragging , you are a force to contend with indeed .

  7. 如果当年我没有被炒鱿鱼,今天我可能还坐在IBM的格子间里。

    If they hadn 't laid me off , I might still be working in a cubicle at IBM today .

  8. 2013年3月,Groupon的创始CEO安德鲁o梅森被炒鱿鱼。

    The following March , founding CEO Andrew Mason was fired .

  9. 这名员工因为经常迟到而被炒鱿鱼了。n.抱怨;

    The employee was given the boot for being tardy too often .

  10. 在2012年作为《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的科技编辑被“炒鱿鱼”后,他决定利用硅谷第二次大泡沫的机会。

    After being " dumped " as Newsweek 's technology editor in 2012 , Lyons decides to ride Silicon Valley 's second great bubble .

  11. 印度选举委员会主席指责他的副手NavinChawla有支持领导印度执政联盟的国大党的倾向,一直试图将他炒鱿鱼。

    Gopalaswami , head of India 's Election Commission , has been trying to sack his deputy , Navin Chawla , whom he accuses of bias in favour of the Congress party , which leads India 's ruling coalition .

  12. 现在的市场宣传人员如果还恪守这种程序,可能就会被炒鱿鱼了。

    Now that kind of campaign would get a marketer fired .

  13. 被那个烂老板炒鱿鱼对她也许不是什么坏事。

    Maybe being fired by that horrible boss agrees with her .

  14. 我担心她会被老板炒鱿鱼。

    I 'm scared that the boss will let here go .

  15. 所有在场的人包括我在内都倒吸一口冷气&是不是有人要被炒鱿鱼了?

    Everyone gasped , including me-was someone about to be fired ?

  16. 你是否刚好知道我为什么被炒鱿鱼?

    Do you by any chance know why I was fired ?

  17. 3月底,他把自己竞选团队中三分之一的人给炒鱿鱼了。

    In late March he sacked one-third of his campaign staff .

  18. 上班时……如果你看笑话被抓到的话就会被炒鱿鱼。

    AT WORK ... You get fired if you get caught .

  19. 这一行到处有人被炒鱿鱼。

    People get fired left and right in this business .

  20. 我被公司炒鱿鱼了,欠了很多钱。

    I got fired and I have tons of debts .

  21. 我想我在哪儿干都会被炒鱿鱼的。

    I think I would have been fired anywhere else .

  22. 我被炒鱿鱼时,是你在那儿支持我;

    When I got fired , you were there to support me .

  23. 更糟糕的是,你还会被炒鱿鱼!

    And what 's worse , you will be fired !

  24. 这家伙几星期前被我炒鱿鱼了。

    This guy I fired a couple of weeks before .

  25. 她由于工作粗心而被炒鱿鱼。

    She was fired as a result of being careless at work .

  26. 请认真对待你的工作,否则你会被炒鱿鱼的。

    Eg. pleas take your work seriously for you will be fired .

  27. 你的意思是说,新人要被炒鱿鱼了?

    You mean that the new employee is going to be fired ?

  28. 主管因为控制预算失败被炒鱿鱼。

    The executive was sacked because of his failure to control costs .

  29. 看谁最后被炒鱿鱼。

    See who will eventually be the person to get the boot .

  30. 好像我俩都没有被炒鱿鱼。

    It appears we two won 't be laid off after all .