
  • 网络TRAINING;Employee Training;Staff Training;personnel training
  1. 雅拍体育用品公司开展了加强员工培训的活动。

    Apacs has launched a campaign to improve the training of staff .

  2. 我们草拟了几个开展员工培训日的可行日期,但我们需要看看哪一天对团队最方便。

    We 've penciled in a few possible dates for our staff1 training day , but we 'll have to see which is the most convenient2 for the team !

  3. Z公司核心员工培训系统研究

    Study on Training System of Key Employee in Z Company

  4. TP公司广州分公司员工培训系统设计

    Staff Training System Design of TP Company GZ Branch

  5. GD酒店员工培训体系的构建研究

    The Construction Study of the GD Hotel Staffs Training System

  6. AB集团员工培训体系重构对策与实施方案

    Research on Training System Reconstruction of AB Group

  7. 第三部分是分析目前W烟草公司在员工培训时存在的主要问题及成因。

    The third part is the analysis of the current W tobacco companies in staff training existing problems and their causes .

  8. 第五部分,介绍了员工培训系统在TP公司广州分公司的应用和实施。

    The fifth part , makes the training system into practice in TP Company GZ Branch ;

  9. 大多数大型投资银行会将新员工培训外包给一家名为TrainingTheStreet的培训公司,它会提供为期两周至两周半的培训课程,重点培训财务能力。

    Most major investment banks outsource a chunk of their new employee training to a company called training the street , which runs two - to two-and-a-half-week programs emphasizing financial skills .

  10. 在第六部分,对TP公司广州分公司员工培训系统进行了评估与总结。

    The last part , makes an evaluation and sum-up on staff training system of TP Company GZ Branch .

  11. RUP也没有考虑员工培训,因为它将重点放在了项目上而不是周边的组织需要上。

    RUP also does not consider staff training because it focuses on the project rather than on broader organizational needs .

  12. 此研究对于我国企业在实际工作中如何正确实施员工培训,进而整体提高国内企业竞争实力以迎接WTO的挑战等方面具有现实意义。

    And this research can give great contributions on how Chinese enterprises train their staff correctly and how to enhance domestic enterprise 's competitive abilities to receive the WTO 's challenges .

  13. HLD酒店员工培训系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of Employee Training System in HLD Hotel

  14. BARE搜集必要信息以帮助各个组织机构增强综合素质,提高顾客忠诚度,更完善、有效地组织员工培训。

    BARE gathers the information needed to improve the overall quality of performance , increase customer loyalty , and train employees for companies worldwide .

  15. 这些工具没有实现SAM过程领域,并且没有考虑到满足更多的组织需求的IMP过程领域中的员工培训。

    These tools do not implement the SAM process area and do not consider staff training in the IMP process area to meet broader organizational needs .

  16. 在非物质激励方面,SSP公司应加强企业文化建设、实施工作激励、积极进行员工培训,同时充分考虑员工个人职业生涯发展等。

    In non-material motivation , the company Ssp should build up the enterprise culture , supply work motivation , give the personnel more training chance , think about the personnel ' career growth .

  17. 我国在九十年代将其引入,经过十余年的发展,拓展训练已经成功的、广泛的引入到企业员工培训、机关活动、MBA培训、中小学课外活动中来。

    It was introduced into China in the nineties , After more than ten years of development , Outward Bound has been successfully , widely introduced into the training of employees , authority activities , MBA training and primary school Extra-curricular activities .

  18. 第五部分针对TD公司员工培训与发展中的不足之处,从培训计划的制定、新进员工的培训和在职员工的培训三个方面进行了改进设计并进行了实施分析。

    In the fifth part , considering the disadvantage of employee training and development in TD Company , improvement of training plan making , training of fresh employees and contracted employees is suggested and operating analysis is given .

  19. SAHL公司员工培训体系的再设计

    Redesign of Employee Training System for SAHL

  20. 最后,借助对HW公司的激励机制运行情况的考察,重新建立、完善了新的考评体系,员工培训激励体系,职业生涯体系,培育了适合本企业特点的创新精神和企业文化。

    Finally , draw support from setting-up and completion of the incentive mechanism of HW Company correctly , set up the new system of checking and rating again , staffs training encourages the system , career system , initiative spirit and corporate culture .

  21. 我国企业员工培训难点与对策研究

    Research on difficulty and countermeasure of China 's enterprises employee training

  22. 林业企业员工培训系统化模式构建

    The Employees ' Training Systematic Model Design in the Forestry Enterprises

  23. 上海港引航站员工培训与开发方案的设计

    The Design of Training and Development Procedure for Shanghai Pilot Station

  24. 第二章企业员工培训背景分析。

    Chapter two is the background analysis of the workers training .

  25. 中外合资企业建立有效员工培训体系研究

    A Study on Building Effective Employee Training System In Joint Venture

  26. 因此越来越多的零售业愈来愈重视员工培训工作。

    So more and more retailers pay close attention to training .

  27. 电信企业员工培训与开发对策分析

    An analysis in strategy training and development in telecommunication enterprises staff

  28. 现代建筑企业员工培训的战略地位及对策

    Strategic Status and Solution to Staff Training for Modern Construction Enterprise

  29. 改革员工培训体制,提升员工人力资本价值;

    Reform staff training system , heighten employees ' capital value ;

  30. 电网企业员工培训项目效果评估研究

    Study on Training Project Evaluation for Employees of Power Grid Enterprise